Adding elements

All hierarchical elements that can be found in the TwinCAT Scope in the Solution Explorer can also be added in the code during the integration. A hierarchical element is structured in such a way that it possesses a "SubMember" list, through which it is possible to iterate. Further objects can be added with "AddMember".

If the new object is not added to an object located directly above it, then everything is re-created by the adding object until the object to be added can be integrated into the hierarchy. However, care must be taken that a YT chart is always created as the standard chart type.

The fundamental hierarchy in the scope looks like this:


╚╦ DataPool

║╚ Acquisition

╠╦ Chart

║╚╦ AxisGroup

║   ╠╦ MarkerContainer

║   ║╚ Marker

║   ╚╦ Channels

║      ╚ AcquisitionInterpreter

… further charts


The chart is the environment in which the channel appears. The chart thus represents the base frame and must be created first.

private void btnAddChart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  DigitalChart chart = new DigitalChart();
  ChartStyle chartStyle = new ChartStyle();

Axis groups:

The AxisGroup is responsible for the scaling of the subordinate channel.

private void btnAddAxis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  AxisGroup axisGroup = new AxisGroup();
  if (scopeProjectPanel.ScopeProject.SubMember.OfType<Chart>().Count() == 0)
    MessageBox.Show(this, "Please create a chart first!", "No chart connected!",
      MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private void btnAddChannel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  Channel channel = new Channel();
  if (scopeProjectPanel.ScopeProject.SubMember.OfType<Chart>().Count() == 0)
    MessageBox.Show(this, "Please create a chart first!", "No chart connected!",
      MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
  else if (scopeProjectPanel.ScopeProject.SubMember.OfType<Chart>().Last().SubMember.OfType<AxisGroup>().Count() == 0)
    MessageBox.Show(this, "Please create a axis first!", "No axis connected!",
      MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);


The channel contains all the information on the data that are recorded in the Scope and is attached under the axis group in which these values are to be shown.