Using old configuration files
The TwinCAT Scope is a very dynamic product. Nevertheless, old configuration files and data files can still be opened in the latest version. If an old configuration file (.sv2 from TwinCAT 2 Scope 2, .tcscope and .tcscopex from TwinCAT 3) opens with a brand new version in which there have been internal changes due to new functions, the Error List in Visual Studio displays the following message:
On saving the opened configuration, an updated configuration file will be saved in the project folder. Furthermore, the user will be asked whether he wishes to update the original file. If the new configuration file from the project folder or the updated original file is opened again, the warning does not appear in the Error List. If the original file is not to be updated and the warning no longer displayed, the warning for the Scope can be completely deactivated in the Options (not recommended!).