Extension – ADS
The TwinCAT Target Browser ADS extension is used most frequently within the TwinCAT system.
Specific Target Area
All target systems registered to the local TwinCAT 3 Engineering are displayed in a tree structure in the left-hand area of the TwinCAT Target Browser (ADS). In first place is the local system, followed by the target systems such as Industrial PCs or Embedded PCs in the order of registration. The prefixed screen symbol indicates the state of the system (green: run mode, blue: config mode, red: stop mode or unreachable). The available default ADS ports are listed below a target system. If you select a port, the available symbols/variables are displayed in the Common Symbol Area on the right-hand side of the TwinCAT Target Browser.

The toolbar of the ADS extension makes the following functions available:
Ports | If an ADS port is not displayed by default, further ports can be added to a selection via this command. |
Edit Routes | If an ADS route to a target system is missing, further target systems can be added via this button. |
Refresh | The display of the target system states can be manually updated with this button. |
Common Symbol Area
The ADS symbols available at the selected port are displayed in the right-hand area of the TwinCAT Target Browser. The addresses and the attributes, for example, are also displayed in addition to the name, the data type, the size and the symbol name. Special attributes, such as those of the units, are interpreted and output in their own columns.