Acquisition of OPC UA symbols

The acquisition of OPC UA symbols differs in part from the ADS acquisition. Since the properties of the groups "Common", "Symbol" and "Target" are identical to the ADS acquisition, only the specific OPC UA properties are explained in the following.


Acquisition of OPC UA symbols 1:

Symbol Opc

Bit Size

Size of the symbol in bits.


Name of the symbol.


Namespace of the symbol.

Node Class

Name of the node to which the symbol is assigned in the hierarchy.

Node Id

Id of the system node.


Path to the symbol.

Target Opc

Endpoint Name

Name of the selected OPC UA end point. Contains information about the encryption method and signing.

Security Policy Uri

URI of the selected encryption method.

Server URL

URL of the OPC UA Server from which the symbol is to be recorded.

See also: Properties