The constants in this global variable list define the possible marker types (see Display in the Real-time Monitor).
Start : UDINT := 16#E0000000;
Stop : UDINT := 16#C0000000;
SequenceStart : UDINT := 16#A0000000;
SequenceStop : UDINT := 16#80000000;
IntervalStart : UDINT := 16#60000000;
IntervalStop : UDINT := 16#40000000;
RefToCaller : UDINT := 16#08000000; // reference to caller
In addition to the marker types, the option RefToCaller is defined, which enables the task references to be displayed in the TwinCAT 3 Real-Time Monitor. If this option is activated it must be ORed with the desired marker type.
fbLogMark.LogMarkEx(markCounter, TcMarkOption.Start OR TcMarkOption.RefToCaller);
The sample shows the setting of a marker, "markCounter", with the marker type "Start" and the option "RefToCaller".
The option Show Task Reference (see Marker group element) must be activated if the task references are to be displayed in the TwinCAT 3 Real-Time Monitor. |