
The constants in this global variable list define the possible marker types (see Display in the Real-time Monitor).

    Start             : UDINT := 16#E0000000;
    Stop              : UDINT := 16#C0000000;
    SequenceStart     : UDINT := 16#A0000000;
    SequenceStop      : UDINT := 16#80000000;
    IntervalStart     : UDINT := 16#60000000;
    IntervalStop      : UDINT := 16#40000000;
    RefToCaller       : UDINT := 16#08000000; // reference to caller

In addition to the marker types, the option RefToCaller is defined, which enables the task references to be displayed in the TwinCAT 3 Real-Time Monitor. If this option is activated it must be ORed with the desired marker type.


fbLogMark.LogMarkEx(markCounter, TcMarkOption.Start OR TcMarkOption.RefToCaller);

The sample shows the setting of a marker, "markCounter", with the marker type "Start" and the option "RefToCaller".

TcMarkOption 1:

The option Show Task Reference (see Marker group element) must be activated if the task references are to be displayed in the TwinCAT 3 Real-Time Monitor.