Marker group element
The following settings are available on the marker group / process nodes of the TwinCAT 3 Realtime Monitor. They differ according to real-time tasks and application processes / markers.
Real-time tasks:
Property | Meaning |
Common | |
Comment | Comment |
Information | |
ADSPort | ADS port of the task |
CpuId | CPU ID on which the task is executed. |
CycleTime | Task cycle time |
EventCount | Number of executions (within the recording time) |
Name | Name of the task |
OID | Object ID of the task |
ParsedMasks | Number of markers found |
Priority | Set priority |
Layout | |
ADSCommandColor | Color of the area for processing the ADS commands (default: Coral) |
CycleUdateColor | Color of the CycleUpdate of the task (default: green) |
InputUpdateColor | Color of the InputUpdate of the task (default: yellow) |
MarkColor | Marker color (default: white) |
OutputUpdateColor | Color of the OutputUpdate of the task (default: red) |
PostCyclicUpdateColor | Color of the PostCyclicUpdate of the task (default: dark green) |
PreInputUpdateColor | Color of the PreInputUpdate of the task (default: gold) |
TaskIntervallColor | Color of the task interval marker (default: light blue) |
Logging | |
DetailedLogging | Enabling detailed logging. |
ShowSingleMarker | Enables the display of single markers. |
User processes:
Property | Meaning |
Common | |
Comment | Comment |
Information | |
GroupId | ID of the marker group / process |
Name | Name of the process to be displayed |
ParsedMarks | Number of markers found |
Layout | |
EventIntervallColor | Color for the interval / active execution of the process (default: blue) |
MarkColor | Color of the markers (default: white) |
Logging | |
ShowSingleMarker | Enables the display of single markers. |
ShowTaskReference | Enables the display of task references. (Assignment of process markers to real-time tasks by dashed lines) |