Beckhoff CP9040
The CP9040 PCB is used for the special keys and/or pushbutton extensions at Beckhoff Control Panel PC's.
"Serial Communication Port" Tab

The description of the different options in this dialog are described under -> "Serial COM Ports" in TwinCAT System Manager - Reference.
Items which are disabled in the above tab, are not relevant for a CP9040 device.
I/O Variables:

Diag State: To this status input, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis" can be mapped.
PLC State: The status variable for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is mapped, the actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
Buttons: After opening of this Bit-Array, the single Special Keys can be mapped with Variables of another task (e.g. TwinCAT PLC) or their status can be checked. Additional information can be found under -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base".
State: This Bit-Array contains status bits of the CP9040 communication. The meaning of the several bits is explained in the belonging "Comment" field on the right side, if this variable is highlited in the TreeView.
Diag Ctrl: To this control output, a variable (e.g. from TwinCAT PLC) for "Extended Bus Terminal Diagnosis" can be mapped.
PLC Ctrl: The control variable (output) for the register access by PLC-Interface can be mapped here. If it is mapped, the actual status of communication (register access) can be checked.
Display Ctrl: The variable for control over the display (e.g. enabling or disabling of the backlight) can be mapped here. Additional information to this item can be found under -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base".
LEDs: This Bit-Array contains the output bits for the LEDs inside the Special Keys or pushbuttons of the Beckhoff IPC. Additional information can be found under -> "BECKHOFF Knowledge Base".