
TYPE TcEvent 
    Class                 : UDINT;
    Prio                  : UDINT;
    Id                    : UDINT;
    bQuitRequired         : BOOL;
    DataFormatStrAddress  : UDINT;
    UserFlags             : DWORD;
    Flags                 : DWORD;
    StreamType            : UDINT;
    SourceString          : STRING[15];     ( TCEVENT_SRCNAMESIZE )
    SourceId              : UDINT;
    ProgId                : STRING[31];     ( TCEVENT_FMTPRGSIZE )


Class : Event class, take value from the enum E_TcEventClass

Prio : priority of the event inside a class, free selectable count  (1..MaxUDINT)

Id : Id of the events, is used for explicit identification in the Eventlogger 

bQuitRequired : edges for switch on and off the acknowledgement  obligatory  (TRUE --> acknowledgement obligatory )

DataFormatStrAddress : Address of a strings. String contains formatting instructions (e.g. '%d%f' formates an Integer and a Real (float) value)

UserFlags : 32-bit count is free available

Flags : 32-bit count for identification of the event. The meaning of the single bits is declared in the global Variables of the libraries  

StreamType : Type of events. Take the value from the enum E_TcEventStreamType

SourceString : String with the source name (max. 15 strings).

SourceId : Source-ID.

ProgId : String (Prog-Id) with the name of the formatter (max. 31 strings)

    TwinCAT 2.7 default: 'TcEventLogger.TcLogFormatter' 

    TwinCAT 2.8 default: 'TcEventLogger.TcLogFormatter'  or 'TcEventFormatter.TcXmlFormatter'



Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT v2.7.0

PC or CX (x86)

Standard.Lib, PLCEvent.Lib, PLCSystem.Lib, TcPlcAds.Lib

TwinCAT v2.8.0

PC or CX (x86)


TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301

