
MP_EnergyValveV4_Configuration 1:

This function block is used to configure the Energy Valve actuators EV..R2+.. (V4). For more information please visit

MP_Address is used to specify the MP-Bus device with which the function block is to communicate. bStart activates communication with the MP-Bus device. bBusy indicates that the function block is active. bError is used to indicate an error in communication with the actuator. The type of the error can be read with iErrorId.


MP_Address                   : USINT := 1;
bStart                       : BOOL;
bRead_Write                  : BOOL;
strDataKL6771                : DataKL6771;
rVmax_Write                  : LREAL := 100;
rVmin_Write                  : LREAL;
bSetpointSource_Write        : BOOL := TRUE;
nSensor1Type_Write           : E_MP_EV_V4_Sensor1Type;
nControlMode_Write           : E_MP_EV_V4_ControlMode := 1;
rBusFailPosition_Write       : LREAL;
nCommunicationWatchdog_Write : UINT;
rPmax_Write                  : LREAL := 100;
nDeltaTLimitation_Write      : E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTLimitation;
rSetpointDeltaT_Write        : LREAL := 1.0;
rSetpointAbsFlowDeltaT_Write : LREAL;
bSelectMeterRegister_Write   : BOOL;

MP_Address: MP-Bus address of the slave.

bStart: a positive edge starts the function block.

bRead_Write: if FALSE then READ only; if TRUE then READ and WRITE.

strDataKL6771: the data structure with which the KL6771() function block must be linked (see DataKL6771).

rVmax_Write: max setpoint in % (25...100). Standard 100 %. Refers to Vnom and is taken into account when control mode = flow control.

rVmin_Write: min setpoint in % (0...Vmax). Vmin must be smaller than Vmax.

bSetpointSource_Write: TRUE = bus; FALSE = analog.

nSensor1Type_Write: sensor 1 type (see E_MP_EV_V4_Sensor1Type).

nControlMode_Write: control mode (see E_MP_EV_V4_ControlMode).

rBusFailPosition_Write: bus fail position in % (0...100). Not functional (reserved for future extensions).

nCommunicationWatchdog_Write: communication watchdog in s (0...3600). Not functional (reserved for future extensions).

rPmax_Write: max setpoint in % (5...100). Standard 100 %. Refers to Pnom and is taken into account if control mode = power control.

nDeltaTLimitation_Write: determines whether the device responds to a low delta T (see E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTLimitation).

rSetpointDeltaT_Write: setpoint delta T in K (0...60). Standard 1.0K. Is taken into account if the delta T limitation is active (not disabled).

rSetpointAbsFlowDeltaT_Write: setpoint Abs flow delta T in l/s (0...100,000). Considered when Delta T limitation is set to "Delta T Manager scaled".

bSelectMeterRegister_Write: FALSE = certified meter; TRUE = lifetime meter.


bBusy                        : BOOL;
bError                       : BOOL;
iErrorId                     : MP_Error;
st_MalfunctionService        : St_MP_EV_V4_MalfunctionServiceInfo;
nControlMode                 : E_MP_EV_V4_ControlMode;
rBusFailPosition             : LREAL;
nCommunicationWatchdog       : UINT;
bSetpointSource              : BOOL;
nSensor1Type                 : E_MP_EV_V4_Sensor1Type;
rVmin                        : LREAL;
rVmax                        : LREAL;
rVnom                        : LREAL;
rPnom                        : LREAL;
rPmax                        : LREAL;
nDeltaTLimitation            : E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTLimitation;
nDeltaTManagerStatus         : E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTManagerStatus;
rSetpointDeltaT              : LREAL;
rSetpointAbsFlowDeltaT       : LREAL;
arSerialNumber               : ARRAY[0..1] OF DWORD;
bSelectMeterRegister         : BOOL;

bBusy: this bit is set for as long as the function block is active.

bError: the output becomes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. This error is described via the iErrorId variable.

iErrorId: this output outputs an error code in the event of an error (see MP_ERROR). bError goes TRUE at the same time.

st_MalfunctionService: malfunction and service information (see St_MP_EV_V4_MalfunctionServiceInfo).

nControlMode: control mode (see E_MP_EV_V4_ControlMode).

rBusFailPosition: bus failure position in % (0...100). Not functional (reserved for future extensions).

nCommunicationWatchdog: communication watchdog in sec (0...3600). Not functional (reserved for future extensions).

bSetpointSource: TRUE = bus; FALSE = analog.

nSensor1Type: sensor 1 type (see E_MP_EV_V4_Sensor1Type).

rVmin: min setpoint in % (0...Vmax). Refers to Vnom and is taken into account when control mode = flow control.

rVmax: max setpoint in % (25...100). Refers to Vnom and is taken into account when control mode = flow control.

rVnom: nominal volume flow rate in l/s (0...100).

rPnom: nominal output in kW (0...21.5).

rPmax: max setpoint in % (5...100). Refers to Pnom and is taken into account if control mode = power control.

nDeltaTLimitation: specifies whether the device responds to a low delta T (see E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTLimitation).

nDeltaTManagerStatus: indicates the status of the DeltaT Manager (see E_MP_EV_V4_DeltaTManagerStatus).

rSetpointDeltaT: setpoint DeltaT in K (0...60). Is taken into account if DeltaT limitation is active (not disabled).

rSetpointAbsFlowDeltaT: setpoint Abs flow DeltaT in l/s (0...100,000). Considered when DeltaT limitation is set to DeltaT Manager scaled.

arSerialNumber: serial number of the device.

bSelectMeterRegister: FALSE = certified meter; TRUE = lifetime meter.