For BELIMO room sensor MS24A-R..-MPX.


MS24A-R01-MPX temperature

MS24A-R02-MPX temperature, CO2

MS24A-R03-MPX temperature, VOC

MS24A-R04-MPX temperature, CO2, VOC

MS24A-R05-MPX temperature, humidity

MS24A-R06-MPX temperature, humidity, CO2

MS24A-R07-MPX temperature, humidity, VOC

MS24A-R08-MPX temperature, humidity, CO2, VOC


MP_Address     : USINT := 1;
bStart         : BOOL;
strDataKL6771      : DataKL6771;
TMpolling      : TIME := t#10s;
bTemp_C_F      : BOOL;

MP_Address: MP-Bus address of the slave.

bStart: a positive edge starts the function block. If this remains continuously TRUE, the function block will be activated cyclically with a period specified by the time in TMPolling.

strDataKL6771: the data structure with which the KL6771 function block must be linked (see DataKL6771).

TMpolling: the time for which the function block should address the sensor. Default 10 s, minimum time 1 s.

bTemp_C_F: FALSE = °C / TRUE = °F.


bBusy          : BOOL;
bError         : BOOL;
iErrorId       : MP_Error;
iU             : INT;
bDigital       : BOOL;
iTemp          : INT;
iCO2           : INT;
iVOC           : INT;
iHumidity      : INT;
bFlushStatus   : BOOL;

bBusy: this bit is set for as long as the function block is active.

bError: the output becomes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. This error is described via the iErrorId variable.

iErrorId: this output outputs an error code in the event of an error (see MP_Error). bError goes TRUE at the same time.

strMPX_ERR: sensor error messages (see MP_BUS_MPX_ERROR).

iU: 0...10 V UNIT 1 mV.

bDigital: DI 24 V.

iTemp: 0...50 °C Unit: 0.01 °C.

iCO2: 0...2000 ppm Unit: 1 ppm.

iVOC: 0...2000 ppm Unit: 1 ppm (pseudo).

iHumidity: 10...90 % Unit: 0.01 %.

bFlushStatus: VOC gradient threshold exceeded, FALSE = air quality OK, TRUE = air quality not OK, flush.