This function block is used to control a control ball valve of series EP..R-R6+BAC.

MP_Address is used to specify the MP-Bus device with which the function block is to communicate. bStart activates communication with the MP-Bus device. bBusy indicates that the function block is active. If bStart remains TRUE, the device is addressed cyclically with a period specified by the time in TMPolling. The time should be set longer than 1 s. bError is used to indicate an error in communication with the actuator. The type of the error can be read with iErrorId.


MP_Address                : USINT := 1;
bStart                    : BOOL;
strDataKL6771             : DataKL6771;
TMpolling                 : TIME := t#10s;
nOverrideControl_Write    : E_MPBus_Override_6wayMPIV := MPBus_6wayMPIV_None;
rSetPoint_Write           : LREAL;

MP_Address: MP-Bus address of the slave.

bStart: a positive edge starts the function block. If this remains continuously TRUE, the function block will be activated cyclically with a period specified by the time in TMPolling.

strDataKL6771: the data structure with which the KL6771 function block must be linked (see DataKL6771).

TMpolling: the time for which the function block should address the actuator. Default 10 s, minimum time 1 s.

nOverrideControl_Write: the relative setpoint is ignored in override control mode (see E_MPBus_Override_6wayMPIV). Overriding is disabled if the command is not repeated within 120 minutes.

rSetPoint_Write: 0...100 %.


bBusy                             : BOOL;
bError                            : BOOL;
iErrorId                          : MP_Error;
nOverrideControl_Read             : E_MPBus_Override_6wayMPIV;
rSetPoint_Read                    : LREAL;
rRelativePos_Read                 : LREAL;
rAbsolutePos_Read                 : LREAL;
rRelativeFlow_Read                : LREAL;
bErrorStateFlowSensorErr          : BOOL;
bErrorStateActuator_can_not_move  : BOOL;
st_StateEV                        : st_StateEV;
rAbsoluteFlow_UnitSel             : LREAL;

bBusy: this bit is set for as long as the function block is active.

bError: the output becomes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. This error is described via the iErrorId variable.

iErrorId: this output outputs an error code in the event of an error (see MP_Error). bError goes TRUE at the same time.

nOverrideControl_Read: current override control mode (see E_MPBus_Override_6wayMPIV).

rSetPoint_Read: setpoint in % (0...100 %).

rRelativePos_Read: relative position in % (0...100 %).

rAbsolutePos_Read: absolute position in °.

rRelativeFlow_Read: relative flow rate in % (0...100 %).

bErrorStateFlowSensorErr: flow sensor is faulty.

bErrorStateActuator_can_not_move: actuator cannot move.

st_StateEV: only devices from 27 March 2014 (see St_StateEV).

rAbsoluteFlow_UnitSel: absolute flow rate in UnitSel (0...4294967295).