

TYPE E_MDP_ErrGroup :(
    eMDP_Err_NoError        := 16#0000,         (* Success - No Error *)
    eMDP_Err_PLC            := 16#EC80,         (* PLC library internal error codes *)
    eMDP_Err_GenErr         := 16#ECA6,         (* General error codes *)
    eMDP_Err_API            := 16#ECA7,         (* API error codes *)
    eMDP_Err_ADS            := 16#ECA8,         (* ADS error codes *)
    eMDP_Err_ModuleSpecific := 16#ECAF          (* Module specific error codes *)

The enumeration E_MDP_ErrGroup defines constant values for the different error groups in the MDP. These indicate the type of error.

The values appear in the error codes, which are output by a PLC MDP function block in the event of an error.

A general description can be found in the MDP Information Model in the chapter Return Values. Individual error codes from the error groups 16#ECA6 - 16#ECAF are described there.

The error codes from group 16#EC80 are generated by the PLC MDP library and are described in chapter E_MDP_ErrCodesPLC.