
FB_SEND_009_SNVT_count_inc 1:

This function-block SEND the following LON-output-variables (nvo):

SNVT name: SNVT_count_inc.

SNVT number: 009.

SNVT description: Increment count (unit (delta)).


wNVIndex      : WORD;
iValue        : INT;
bStart        : BOOL;
bSendInit     : BOOL := bSendInitDefault;
bAuto         : BOOL := bAutoDefault;
iValueLimit   : INT := 1;
tMinSendTime  : TIME := tMinSendTimeDefault;
tMaxSendTime  : TIME := tMaxSendTimeDefault;
bDisabled     : BOOL := FALSE;

wNVIndex: Unique Index. This is required for the binding of the LON nodes. Per LON terminal a maximum of 62 SNVTs are allowed. Values from 0 to 61 are permissible.

iValue: Min: -32768 / Max: 32767.

bStart: A positive edge starts sending (regardless of bAuto).

bSendInit: After restarting the PLC, the values are sent once.

bAuto: Selecting the automatic sending when a value changes or when the time tMaxSendTime runs out (polling).

iValueLimit: Parameter for automatic sending. The value is sent only if the change is greater than this parameter since the last transmission. If this value is 0, then is sent after each change in value. This value does not exist in enums and structures. There is sent after each change in value.

tMinSendTime: Parameter for automatic sending. A new value is sent no sooner than this time. Thus, a continuous transmission is prevented.

tMaxSendTime: Parameter for automatic sending. The value is sent no later than the end of that time, even if the minimum value change (iValueLimit) was not reached (polling). A value of 0 disables this feature.

bDisabled: TRUE = disables the function block.


bBusy         : BOOL;
bError        : BOOL;
eError        : E_LON_ERROR;
dwErrorKL     : DWORD;

bBusy: If the sending of data is in process, this output will be TRUE.

bError: The output becomes TRUE as soon as an error occurs. The error is described via the variable eError.

eError: The output issues an error code when an error occurs (see E_LON_ERROR). Simultaneously bError is TRUE.

dwErrorKL: Error identifier of the function block FB_LON_KL6401(). In this case the variable eError is set to "eKL6401_Error". Simultaneously bError is TRUE.


stLON_Com     : ST_LON_Communication;

stLON_Com: This structure connects FB_LON_KL6401() with the send/receive function blocks (see ST_LON_Communication).