TYPE ST_MMS_AccessControl :
(* authentication *)
bAuthentication : BOOL := TRUE;(* Authentication: TRUE = enabled, FALSE = disabled *)
authentMechanism : STRING := '';(* Authentication mechanism: (joint-iso-ccitt.2.3.1) = 52 03 01 hex *)
authentPassword : STRING(MAX_MMS_PASSWORD_LENGTH) := 'PASSWORD';(* Authentication password *)
services : ST_MMS_ServiceSupportOptions;(* Supported services *)
parameters : ST_MMS_ParameterSupportOptions;(* Parameter support CBB *)
nestingLevel : SINT := 5;(* Nesting level *)
bAuthentication: The authentication-settings are activated for this user if the parameter is set on TRUE. Over this parameter you can temporary deactivate the access for some users.
authentMechanism: Authentication-Mechanism (default = "").
authentPassword: Authentication-Password (default = "PASSWORD").
services: Supported MMS-Services.
parameters: Supported CBB-Parameter.
nestingLevel: Max. permitted interlacing-depth of the MMS-Variables (default = 5).
Development environment | Target system | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1340 | PC or CX (x86, ARM) | TcMMS.Lib |