
FB_DALIV2QuerySystemFailureLevel 1:

The SYSTEM FAILURE LEVEL variable is read from the ballast. If a fault (such as the absence of the supply voltage) is detected on the DALI bus, the ballast switches the lamp to this power value.


bStart            : BOOL;
nAddr             : BYTE;
eAddrType         : E_DALIV2AddrType := eDALIV2AddrTypeShort;
eCommandPriority  : E_DALIV2CommandPriority := eDALIV2CommandPriorityMiddle;

bStart: The block is activated by a rising edge at this input.

nAddr: The address of a participating device or of a group.

eAddrType: Short address, group address or broadcast.

eCommandPriority: The priority (high, middle, low) this command has when executed by the library.


bBusy               : BOOL;
bError              : BOOL;
nErrorId            : UDINT;
nSystemFailureLevel : BYTE;

bBusy: When the block is activated the output is set, and it remains active until execution of the command has been completed.

bError: This output is switched to TRUE if an error occurs during the execution of a command. The command-specific error code is contained in nErrorId. Is reset to FALSE by the execution of an instruction at the inputs.

nErrorId: Contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command. Is reset to 0 by the execution of an instruction at the inputs. See Error codes.

nSystemFailureLevel: The value of lamp power to be adopted in the event of a system fault.


stCommandBuffer     : ST_DALIV2CommandBuffer;

stCommandBuffer: A reference to the structure for communication with the FB_DALIV2Communication() (KL6811) or FB_KL6821Communication() (KL6821) block.