
FB_Sequencer 1:

Function-block to program light-sequences with up to 50 different steps.

This function-block is based on a ramp-function, which drives the output to a target-value (nTargetValue)i n a specified time (tRampTime) . When the target-value is reached, the light will stay at this level for a specified time (tProlongTime). Once tProlongTime has elapsed, the light will ramp to the next target value.

The Sequence table consists of 50 elements containing the target-value (nTargetValue), the ramp-time (tRampTime) and the time to hold a reached light-level (tProlongTime). It is not required to use all 50 elements of the table. An element containing only zeros for the target-value, ramp-time and prolong-time will be recognized as the end of a sequence. Furthermore it is possible to let a sequence start at a specific position with the input-value, nStartIndex. With nStartIndex it is possible to program different light-sequences within the 50 elements of the table which are separated by simple zero-elements (delimiters).

FB_Sequencer 2:

The light-level programmed with sequence No.1, for example, will show the following behaviour (nStartIndex=1, nOptions.bit0=TRUE, explanations see below):

FB_Sequencer 3:

The function-block has inputs to switch the light on and off (on: nLightLevel = 32767, off: nLightLevel = 0) as well as an input bToggle to invert the actual light-state. All inputs are only read by the function-block, if bEnable is set to TRUE. If bEnable is reset to FALSE, all inputs are inactive and nLightLevel will remain on its actual value.


bEnable            : BOOL;
bOn                : BOOL;
bOff               : BOOL;
bToggle            : BOOL;
bStart             : BOOL;
nStartIndex        : USINT;
arrSequenceTable   : ARRAY[1..50] OF ST_SequenceTable;
nOptions           : DWORD;

bEnable: A positive input enables the function block. A negative state deactivates the inputs and sets the function-block to the idle-mode.

bOn: A rising edge sets the output nLightLevel directly to the maximum-level (32767).

bOff: A rising edge sets the output nLightLevel immediately to "0".

bToggle: Rising edges at this input toggle the nLightLevel between "0" and "32767".

bStart: This input lets the sequence begin with the element defined with nStartIndex.

nStartIndex: See bStart.

arrSequenceTable: Light-value-table with the information about the target-value, the ramp-time and the prolong-time.

TYPE ST_SequenceTable : STRUCT nTargetValue : UINT; tRampTime : TIME; tProlongTime : TIME; END_STRUCT END_TYPE

nTargetValue: Target-value.

tRampTime: Time to reach the target-value.

tProlongTime: Time to stay on the target-value.

nOptions: Parameter-input. Setting (resp. not-setting) of the single bits will affect the behaviour of the function-block as follows:




After running through a sequence, the function-block will automatically restart at the element defined with nStartIndex. If this option is not set the function-block will stop after running through the sequence. In order to start again, a rising edge at bStart is neccessary.


nActualIndex       : USINT;
bLight             : BOOL;
bSequenceActive    : BOOL;
bBusy              : BOOL;
bError             : BOOL;
nErrorId           : UDINT;

nActualIndex: This output shows the actual element of the light-sequence. If the sequence is finished or stopped (bSequenceActive = FALSE , see below) , the output will fall back to "0".

bLight: As long as nLightLevel is greater than "0", this output is set to TRUE.

bSequenceActive: If a light-sequence is running, this output is set to TRUE.

bBusy: When the block is activated the output is set, and it remains active until execution of the command has been completed.

bError: This output is switched to TRUE if an error occurs during the execution of a command. The command-specific error code is contained in nErrorId. bError is reset to FALSE by the execution of an instruction at the inputs.

nErrorId: Contains the command-specific error code of the most recently executed command. nErrorId is reset to 0 by the execution of an instruction at the inputs. See Error codes.


nLightLevel        : UINT;

nLightLevel: Reference to the actual light-level-output.