Getting started

This documentation article is intended as a quick-start guide to using the Tc3_JsonXml PLC library. The article is based on the following use case:

For more code samples, please refer to our samples.

File contents

The file myJsonContent.json is located in the local file system under the following path: c:\temp\myJsonContent.json and has the following content:

  "Values": {
      "Sensor1": 42.41999816894531,
      "Sensor2": [1,2,3,4,5],
      "Sensor3": 10


The following variable declarations are required for the further procedure:

fbJson : FB_JsonDomParser;
jsonRoot : SJsonValue;
jsonProp : SJsonValue;
jsonIterator : SJsonValue;
jsonIteratorEnd : SJsonValue;
bLoadJsonFile : BOOL;
sTimestamp : STRING;
fSensor1 : LREAL;
aSensor2 : ARRAY[0..4] OF DINT;
nSensor3 : DINT;
i : UINT;

Furthermore, please make sure that you have added a reference to the PLC library Tc3_JsonXml in your PLC project.

Reading the file

The method LoadDocumentFromFile from the function block FB_JsonDomParser is used to read the file. The execution of the method is controlled by a rising edge at input bExec.

IF bLoadJsonFile = TRUE THEN
  fbJson.LoadDocumentFromFile('C:\Temp\myJsonContent.json', bLoadJsonFile);
Getting started 1:

Source of the JSON document

If in your use case the JSON document already exists in the PLC, e.g. in a variable of data type STRING, you can use the method ParseDocument to load the document into memory and for further processing.

Parsing the JSON document

The GetDocumentRoot method can be used to reference the beginning of the JSON document in memory. The return value of the method is an interface pointer.

jsonRoot := fbJson.GetDocumentRoot();

From here, the other keys on the first level can be read, e.g. the 'Timestamp' key via the method GetString:

jsonProp := fbJson.FindMember(jsonRoot, 'Timestamp');
IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
  sTimestamp := fbJson.GetString(jsonProp);

The next key ('Values') is a nested JSON object. The child elements of this object can be read directly via the method FindMemberPath, for example for the element 'Values/Sensor1':

jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor1');
IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
  fSensor1 := fbJson.GetDouble(jsonProp);

The next child element ('Values/Sensor2') is an array. This can be read by using the methods ArrayBegin and ArrayEnd.

jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor2');
IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
  jsonIterator := fbJson.ArrayBegin(jsonProp);
  jsonIteratorEnd := fbJson.ArrayEnd(jsonProp);
  WHILE jsonIterator <> jsonIteratorEnd DO
    IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
      aSensor2[i] := fbJson.GetInt(jsonIterator);
    jsonIterator := fbJson.NextArray(jsonIterator);
    i := i + 1;
  i := 0;

Handling of the next child element ('Values/Sensor3') is similar to the element 'Values/Sensor1'. Instead of the method GetDouble the method GetInt is used to read the value of the key.

jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor3');
IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
  nSensor3 := fbJson.GetInt(jsonProp);

Complete code sample

Below you will find the above code snippets as a complete sample.

Declaration part

  fbJson : FB_JsonDomParser;
  jsonRoot : SJsonValue;
  jsonProp : SJsonValue;
  jsonIterator : SJsonValue;
  jsonIteratorEnd : SJsonValue;
  bLoadJsonFile : BOOL;
  sTimestamp : STRING;
  fSensor1 : LREAL;
  aSensor2 : ARRAY[0..4] OF DINT;
  nSensor3 : DINT;
  i : UINT;

Implementation part

IF bLoadJsonFile = TRUE THEN
  fbJson.LoadDocumentFromFile('C:\Temp\myJsonContent.json', bLoadJsonFile);
  jsonRoot := fbJson.GetDocumentRoot();
  jsonProp := fbJson.FindMember(jsonRoot, 'Timestamp');
  IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
    sTimestamp := fbJson.GetString(jsonProp);
  jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor1');
  IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
    fSensor1 := fbJson.GetDouble(jsonProp);
  jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor2');
  IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
    jsonIterator := fbJson.ArrayBegin(jsonProp);
    jsonIteratorEnd := fbJson.ArrayEnd(jsonProp);
    WHILE jsonIterator <> jsonIteratorEnd DO
      IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
        aSensor2[i] := fbJson.GetInt(jsonIterator);
      jsonIterator := fbJson.NextArray(jsonIterator);
      i := i + 1;
    i := 0;
  jsonProp := fbJson.FindMemberPath(jsonRoot, 'Values/Sensor3');
  IF (jsonProp <> 0) THEN
    nSensor3 := fbJson.GetInt(jsonProp);

After the above code has been executed successfully, the keys that were read out are in the corresponding PLC variables, e.g. as follows:

Getting started 2: