Example: Writing/reading of CSV file

Here you can unpack the complete sources to the sample project: CSVExample.zip

CSV files generated with the project example:

Data fields without binary data: TextModeGen.zip
Data fields contain binary data: BinaryModeGen.zip (please note that this file requires special software for correct interpretation)

CSV stands for comma-separated values. The following documentation describes how CSV files can be written and read with the aid of auxiliary PLC CSV functions. CSV files, which are basically text files, can store simply structured data sets that can be used for data exchange between two systems. This format enables storage of tables or lists of different lengths. A table row corresponds to a data set (or row) in the CSV file. A table cell corresponds to a data field in the CSV file.

General information on the supported CSV format

Basic configuration of a CSV file with m columns and n rows (the CRLF characters are usually not visible and are indicated in the diagram with the letters CRLF)

"Field1Record1";"Field2Record1"; ... ;"Field(m)Record1"CRLF
"Field1Record2";"Field2Record2"; ... ;"Field(m)Record2"CRLF


"Field1Record(n)";"Field2Record(n)";    ... ;"Field(m)Record(n)"CRLF

Available function blocks and functions

Write/read CSV file in text mode or binary mode

A CSV file can be read or written in text or binary mode with the aid of the PLC function blocks for file access. Depending on the selected mode there are differences with advantages and disadvantages.

In 99% of cases the CSV files can be read/written in text mode. Binary mode is only required in rare cases.


Text mode

Binary mode

Function block for the file read access

FB_FileGets (Special feature: The CR character at the end of the last data set is automatically removed from the file by this function block during read access. The character has to be restored/re-inserted to ensure that the FB_CSVMemBufferReader function block can interpret such a data set)


Function block for file write access

FB_FilePuts (Special feature: During write access this function block automatically adds a CR character at the end of the last data set. However, the FB_CSVMemBufferWriter also generates the CR characters. In order to avoid duplication of the character in the CSV file it must be removed from the buffer before the write access)


Programming effort



Special characters, non-printable control characters in the data field

Not permitted


Maximum data set length that can be written/read

Limited to 253 characters (data set + CRLF). I.e. the data set length must not exceed 253 characters.

The maximum data set length is theoretically unlimited. However, the function blocks (FB_CSVMemBufferReader and FB_CSVMemBufferWriter) limit a CSV field to the maximum size specified in the global parameter cMaxCSVFieldValueSize.

A complete data set can be written with the function block for write access



A complete data set can be read with the function block for read access

Yes. A data set in a pure text file ends with CRLF. In such a file CRLF indicates the end of a line. The FB_FileGets function block reads the data up to CRLF.


Binary data in a data field

Not permitted


Auxiliary functions for conversion of PLC data into CSV format and vice versa



Supported PLC variable types that can be written/read directly

T_MaxString (STRING with 255 characters), other data types must first be converted to string and then read/written as a data field in string format.

Any data types can be written/read

Sample code

P_TextModeRead() P_TextModeWrite()

P_BinaryModeRead() P_BinaryModeWrite()

Example project

The project example actually contains 4 examples: 2 for write/read access in text mode (preferred) and 2 for write/read access in binary mode (rare):





Basic program sequence for reading a CSV file in text mode:

Step 1: Open the CSV file in text mode (FB_FileOpen). If successful go to step 2.

Step 2: Read a row with the function block FB_FileGets. Append a CR character (see notes in the table). If successful go to step 3 go, otherwise go to step 4 (the end of the file was reached or an error has occurred).

Step 3: Parse the read row with the function block FB_CSVMemBufferReader. The individual data fields are read. Then go to step 2 and read the next row. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the end of the file is reached or an error occurs.

Step 4: Close the CSV file (FB_FileClose).

Basic program sequence for writing a CSV file in text mode.

Step 1: Open the CSV file in text mode (FB_FileOpen). If successful go to step 2.

Step 2: Use the function block FB_CSVMemBufferWriter to generate a new data set. The individual data fields are written into a buffer. This buffer may be a larger string. Remove the CR character at the end of the data set and go to step 3.

Step 3: Write a row with the function block FB_FilePuts. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all data sets have been written. Then go to step 4.

Step 4: Close the file (FB_FileClose).


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to be integrated (category group)

TwinCAT v3.1.0

PC or CX (x86, x64, ARM)

Tc2_Utilities (System)