Querying CPU data (specific)

This sample demonstrates access to CPU data by the IPC diagnostics via the specific function block FB_MDP_CPU_Read.

This sample cannot be modified for access to other IPC diagnostics modules such as fan data.

Following the program code of the sample you will find the textual Description of the sample program.

Sample: access via the specific function block FB_MDP_CPU_Read

The specific function block FB_MDP_CPU_Read facilitates access to selected data of the CPU module in the Configuration Area of the IPC diagnostics.

Enumeration definition

//** = simply adjust these lines if modifying code for own purposes
// central definition of state machine states
// (supports easy program modification)
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
TYPE E_State :
    ReadCPUDataInit,        //** initiate reading CPU data
    ReadCPUDataProcess      //** process reading CPU data

Variable Declaration

    // internal use
    sAmsNetId           : STRING := '';       //** ADS Net ID (local = '')    
    eState              : E_State;            // Enum with index for state machine     
    bStart              : BOOL := TRUE;       // flag to trigger (re)start of statemachine
    // FB instances
    fbReadCPUData       : FB_MDP_CPU_Read;    // instance of FB for reading CPU data  

    // results of execution
    bError              : BOOL;               // error flag (indicator: error occured)
    nErrID              : UDINT;              // last error ID 
    stHeaderCpuMod      : ST_MDP_ModuleHeader; // buffer for header data of CPU module 
    stCPUData           : ST_MDP_CPU;         // structure which will contain CPU data

Program code

// For an easy reuse of the following code for own purposes, parts of this sample program use 
// "general" data names (and copy the results in specific variables after processing the code).

CASE eState OF
        IF bStart THEN
            bStart := FALSE;
            eState := E_State.ReadCPUDataInit; //** initiate first state
    E_State.ReadCPUDataInit:                   //** trigger FB: request CPU data
            bExecute    := TRUE,               // Flag: trigger execution of FB
            iModIdx     := 0,                  //** Instance of desired module type (0 = first instance) 
            sAmsNetId   := sAmsNetId);         // AMS Net ID
        eState := E_State.ReadCPUDataProcess;  //** next state: process FB
    E_State.ReadCPUDataProcess:                //** process FB: request CPU data
        fbReadCPUData(bExecute := FALSE);      // Flag: Get execution state of FB 
        IF NOT fbReadCPUData.bBusy THEN        // FB executed?
            IF fbReadCPUData.bError THEN       // Error?
                bError := TRUE;                // set error flag
                nErrID := fbReadCPUData.nErrID; // store error id 
                eState := E_State.Idle;         // finish state machine
            ELSE                               // set parameters for next steps
                bError         := FALSE;       // turn off error flag
                stHeaderCpuMod := fbReadCPUData.stMDP_ModuleHeader;  //** store CPU module header data
                stCPUData      := fbReadCPUData.stMDP_ModuleContent; //** store CPU data 
                eState         := E_State.ReadCPUDataInit;           //** read next set of CPU data


Description of the sample program

The function block "FB_MDP_CPU_READ" requires a minimum of two parameters:

Querying CPU data (specific) 1:

the function block does not supply the CPU temperature; this can only be read via the generic sample program. The value "CPU temperature" is not supported by all IPCs.

The parameters and the function block are used at these points in the program:

Querying CPU data (specific) 2:

The state machine

Querying CPU data (specific) 3:

The states of the state machine are listed as constants in order to enable simple adaptation of the program. The desired "State" value thus only needs to be centrally changed once. The statuses are defined as enumeration declarations in the PLC project in subfolder "DUTs" as DUT under the name "E-State".

The various areas of the state machine and their functions are explained below:

Querying CPU data (specific) 4: