
If they are declared in the program, a warning message is generated during program compilation, since the constant already exists. This warning can be ignored.

  cMBUS_MaxData      := 40,
  cMBUS_MaxTelegrams := 5,
  cMBUS_MaxDataParam := 10,

cMBUS_MaxData: The constant applies to all instances of the blocks FB_MBUS_General(), FB_MBUS_General_Ext() and FB_MBUS_General_Param(). It indicates the maximum data volume expected in a meter telegram.

cMBUS_MaxTelegrams: The constant applies to all instances of the FB_MBUS_General_Ext block(). It indicates the maximum number of telegrams to be expected.

cMBUS_MaxDataParam: The constant applies to all instances of the FB_MBUS_General_Param blocks(). It indicates the maximum number of values to be displayed by the instances of block FB_MBUS_General_Param().