Configuration software KS2000

Commissioning procedure

1. Install the configuration software KS2000, version or higher.
2. Plug the KL6401 into your Bus Coupler, and terminate the K-Bus with a KL9010.
3. Log on. Should the dialog box Create new XML Device Files be open, cancel at this point.
Configuration software KS2000 1:
4. The terminal can be configured under Settings (Configuration software KS2000 2:).
Configuration software KS2000 3:
5. Enter the SNVTs in the table (Configuration software KS2000 4:).
Use Configuration software KS2000 5: to add a variable and Configuration software KS2000 6: to remove a selected variable.
The column Id cannot be edited. It contains the NV index. This index is also required as input variable "wNVIndex" for the PLC function blocks.
6. Enter any text in column Nv Name. These descriptions are required in the LON configuration tool (not provided by Beckhoff) for identifying the respective variables.
7. Select the required SNVT in column Snvt Type.
8. In column Dir (Direction) you can specify whether the variable is sent (out) or received (in).
9. Enter any project name (click on PROJECTNAMEConfiguration software KS2000 7:).
10. Edit the program ID (Prog ID Configuration software KS2000 8:). Do this by clicking Program ID, and selecting a Program ID. This program ID may only be issued once in your LON project. A maximum of 256 (0-255) program IDs can be used. This means that you can use 256 different configurations in one project.
LON terminals with the same configuration also have the same program ID.
11. Press the button Configuration software KS2000 9: to create the Xif file. This file is required in the LON configuration tool (not provided by Beckhoff).
12. Use the button Configuration software KS2000 10: to save the configuration in a BLC file. This file can be used to load the configuration if a terminal is replaced or to use the same configuration in another terminal.
The data can now be written to the terminal.
13. Use the buttons [>>>] or [<<<] to select the required slot, then use the button WRITE to write the data to the terminal. The slot may not be activated (green) during this process.
Configuration software KS2000 11:

The terminal is delivered with active slot 0 (factory setting). This slot contains a fixed configuration and cannot be modified. To transfer other values a different slot has to be configured and activated. Only one slot at a time is active.

The project must be activated after the download has successfully been completed.
14. Press the button SET ACTIVE PROJECT.
15. De-energies the KL6401.
After switching on the KL6401 (switching the power supply on again) the desired configuration is active.

Description of the editing functions

Configuration software KS2000 12:

Configuration software KS2000 13: Deletes the table

Configuration software KS2000 14: Opens an existing SNVT configuration file (*.BLC) for the KL6401

Configuration software KS2000 15: Saves the current configuration as a BLC file

Configuration software KS2000 16: Edits an SNVT variable

Configuration software KS2000 17: Inserts an SNVT variable

Configuration software KS2000 18: Deletes an SNVT variable

Configuration software KS2000 19: Creates an XIF file for a LON configuration tool (not provided by Beckhoff)

Configuration software KS2000 20: Opens the Help

Configuration software KS2000 21: Info