
Available in the product version: TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server v1,0,0,31 or higher

FB_SocketUdpSendTo 1:

The function block FB_SocketUdpSendTo can be used to send UDP data to a remote device via the TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server. The UDP socket must first be opened with the function block FB_SocketUdpCreate.


    sSrvNetId   : T_AmsNetId := '';
    hSocket     : T_HSOCKET;
    sRemoteHost : STRING(15);
    nRemotePort : UDINT;
    cbLen       : UDINT; 
    pSrc        : DWORD;
    bExecute    : BOOL;
    tTimeout    : TIME := T#5s;

sSrvNetId: string containing the network address of the TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server. For the local computer (default) an empty string may be specified.

hSocket: the handle of an opened UDP socket.

sRemoteHost: IP address (Ipv4) of the remote device to which data are to be sent as a string (e.g. ''). An empty string can be entered for a device on the local computer.

nRemotePort: IP port number of the remote device to which data are to be sent (e.g. 200).

cbLen: number of data to be sent in bytes. The maximum number of data bytes to be sent is limited to 8192 bytes by default (by declaring the TCPADS_MAXUDP_BUFFSIZE constant in the library to conserve memory resources).

pSrc: address (pointer) of the transmit buffer.

bExecute: the function block is enabled via a positive edge at this input.

tTimeout: maximum time that may not be exceeded when the function block is executed.

FB_SocketUdpSendTo 2:

From product version: TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server v1.0.50 and higher, the maximum number of data bytes to be sent can be increased (if absolutely necessary).

1) In the PLC project, redefine the global constant (in our sample we want to increase the maximum number of data bytes to 32000 bytes):


2) Then activate the option "Replace constants" in TwinCAT PLC Control->"Project->Options...->Build" dialog box.

3) Compile the project.


    bBusy       : BOOL;
    bError      : BOOL;
    nErrId      : UDINT;

bBusy: When the function block is activated this output is set. It remains set until and acknowledgement is received.

bError: If an error should occur during the transfer of the command, then this output is set once the bBusy output was reset.

nErrId : If the bError output is set, this parameter returns the TwinCAT TCP/IP Connection Server error number.


Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT version 2.8.0 or higher

PC or CX (x86)

TcpIp.Lib (v1.0.4 or higher)

( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib are included automatically )

TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301