Enum Channel types
Define |
Channel types |
1 |
Standard |
2 |
Interpreter |
3 |
4 |
Kinematic transformation |
Enum Interpreter types
Define |
Interpreter types |
0 |
1 |
reserved |
2 |
DIN 66025 (Siemens dialect) |
Enum Interpreter Operation modes
Define |
interpreter/channel operation mode |
0x0 |
Default (deactivates the other modes) |
0x1 |
Single block mode in the NC core (Block execution task/SAF) |
0x1000 |
reserved |
0x2000 |
reserved |
0x4000 |
Single block mode in the interpreter |
Enum Interpolation load log mode
Define |
Load log mode |
0 |
Loader log off |
1 |
Source only |
2 |
Source & Compiled |
Enum Interpolation Trace mode
Define |
Trace mode |
0 |
Trace off |
1 |
Trace line numbers |
2 |
Trace Source |
Enum Group types
Define |
Group types |
0 |
1 |
PTP-Group + x Slave |
2 |
1D-Group + x Slave |
3 |
2D-Group + x Slave |
4 |
3D-Group + x Slave |
5 |
High/low speed + x Slave |
6 |
Low cost stepper motor (dig. IO) + x Slave |
7 |
Table Group + x Slave |
9 |
Encoder Group + x Slave |
11 |
FIFO Group + x Slave |
12 |
Kinematic Transformation Group + x Slave |
Enum Axis types
Define |
Axis types |
0 |
1 |
Continuous axis (Servo) |
2 |
Discrete axis (high/low speed) |
3 |
Continuous axis (stepper motor) |
Enum Stepper motor operation mode
Define |
Stepper motor operation mode |
0 |
1 |
2-phase excitation (4 cycles) |
2 |
1-2-phase excitation (6 cycles) |
3 |
Power section |
Enum Override types for PTP axes (velocity override)
Define |
Override types |
1 |
Reduced Old variant, replaced by "(3) Reduced (iterated)" |
2 |
Original Old variant, replaced by "(4) Original (iterated)" |
3 |
Reduced (iterated) Default value: the override value is related to the velocity which is internally reduced in a special case. This results in a directly proportional velocity (=> linear relationship) for the entire override range from 0 to 100%. |
4 |
Original (iterated) The override value is always referred to the velocity programmed by the user. If this velocity cannot be driven, however, then a maximum override value results from which no higher velocity can be reached (=> limitation). |
Enum Group/axis start types
Define | Group/axis start types |
1 | Absolute start |
2 | Relative start |
3 | Continuous start positive |
4 | Continuous start negative |
5 | Modulo start (OLD) |
261 | Modulo start on the shortest distance |
517 | Modulo start in positive direction (with modulo tolerance window) |
773 | Modulo start in negative direction (with modulo tolerance window) |
4096 | Stop and lock (axis locked for motion commands) |
8192 | Halt (without motion lock) |
Enum Command buffer types (buffer mode) for universal axis start (UAS)
Define |
Buffer mode |
0 |
ABORTING (default) (instantaneous, aborts current movement and deletes any buffered commands) |
1 |
BUFFERED (stored in command buffer to be executed after an active movement) |
18 |
BLENDING LOW (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the lowest velocity of two commands) |
19 |
BLENDING PREVIOUS (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the velocity of the active command) |
20 |
BLENDING NEXT (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the velocity of the buffered command) |
21 |
BLENDING HIGH (buffered, no stop, runs through intermediate target position at the highest velocity of two commands) |
Enum End position types (new end position)
Define | End position types |
1 | Absolute position |
2 | Relative position |
3 | Continuous position positive |
4 | Continuous position negative |
5 | Modulo position |
Enum Command types for new end position with new velocity (new end position and/or new velocity)
Define | Command types for new end position with new velocity |
1 | Position (instantaneous) |
2 | Velocity (instantaneous) |
3 | Position and velocity (instantaneous) |
9 | Position (switching position) |
10 | Velocity (switching position) |
11 | Position and velocity (switching position) |
Enum Actual position types (set actual position)
Define | Actual position types |
1 | Absolute position |
2 | Relative position |
5 | Modulo position |
Enum Compensation types (path compensation or superimposed)
Define | Compensation types |
1 | VELOREDUCTION_ADDITIVEMOTION The max. velocity VelocityDiff is reduced. The path over which the compensation trip is effective consists of length + distance. |
2 | VELOREDUCTION_LIMITEDMOTION The max. velocity VelocityDiff is reduced. The path over which the compensation trip is effective is defined by the Length parameter. |
3 | LENGTHREDUCTION_ADDITIVEMOTION The max. available path is reduced and consists of length + distance. The system tries to use the max. velocity VelocityDiff. |
4 | LENGTHREDUCTION_LIMITEDMOTION The max. available path is reduced and is limited by the Length parameter. The system tries to use the max. velocity VelocityDiff. |
Enum Slave types
Define | Slave types |
1 | Linear |
2 | Flying saw (velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
3 | Flying saw (position and velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
5 | Synchronization generator (velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
6 | Synchronization generator (position and velocity, jerk restricted profile) |
10 | Tabular |
11 | Multi-tabular |
13 | 'Motion Function' (MF) |
15 | Linear with cyclic gearing factor change (ramp filter for acceleration limits) |
100 | Specific |
Enum Slave decoupling types (for subsequent axis command)
Define |
Slave decoupling types (for subsequent axis command) |
0 |
Stop, E-stop or P-stop (default) (STOP) |
1 |
Oriented stop (O-stop) (ORIENTEDSTOP) |
2 |
Reduce any acceleration to 0 (force-free) and continue to endless target position (ENDLESS) |
3 |
Continue to endless target position at new requested velocity (ENDLESS_NEWVELO) |
4 |
New end position (NEWPOS) |
5 |
New end position and new requested velocity (NEWPOSANDVELO) |
6 |
Logical decoupling and stopping of axis immediately without velocity ramp (INSTANTANEOUSSTOP) |
Enum Controller types
Define | Controller types |
1 | P-controller (standard) (Position) |
2 | PP-controller (with ka) (Position) |
3 | PID-controller (with ka) (Position) |
5 | P-controller (Velocity) |
6 | PI-controller (Velocity) |
7 | High/low speed controller (Position) |
8 | Stepper motor controller (Position) |
9 | SERCOS controller (Position in the drive) |
14 | TCom Controller (Soft Drive) (Position in the drive) |
Enum Controller Observer mode
Define | Controller observer mode |
0 | No observer active (default) |
1 | "Luenberger" observer (classic observer design) |
![]() | Requires control loop with torque interface |
Enum Encoder types
Define |
Encoder types |
0 |
1 |
Simulation Encoder (Incremental) |
2 |
M3000 Encoder (Multi/Single-Turn) (Absolute) |
3 |
M31x0 / M2000 Encoder (Incremental) |
4 |
MDP 511 Encoder: EL7041, EL7342, EL5101, EL5151, EL2521, EL5021, IP5101 (Incremental) |
5 |
MDP 500/501 Enc.: EL5001, IP5009, KL5001 (SSI) (Absolute) |
6 |
MDP 510 Encoder: KL5051, KL2502-30K Encoder (BiSSI) (Incremental) |
7 |
KL30xx Encoder (Analog) (Absolute) |
8 |
SERCOS and EtherCAT SoE (Position) (Incremental) |
9 |
SERCOS and EtherCAT SoE (Position and velocity) (Incremental) |
10 |
Binary encoder (0/1) (Incremental) |
11 |
M2510 Encoder (Absolute) |
12 |
FOX50 Encoder (Absolute) |
14 |
AX2000 (Lightbus) (Incremental) |
15 |
Provi-Drive MC (Simodrive 611U) (Incremental) |
16 |
Universal encoder (variable bit mask) (Incremental) |
17 |
NC back plane (Incremental) |
18 |
Special CANopen type (e.g. Lenze Drive 9300) (Incremental) |
19 |
MDP 513 (DS402): CANopen and EtherCAT CoE (AX2xx-B1x0/B510, EL7201) (Incremental) |
20 |
AX2xx-B900 (Ethernet) (Incremental) |
21 |
KL5151 Encoder (Incremental) |
24 |
IP5209 Encoder (Incremental) |
25 |
KL2531/KL2541 Encoder (Stepper Motor) (Incremental) |
26 |
KL2532/KL2542 Encoder (DC motor), KL2535/KL2545 (PWM current terminal) (Incremental) |
27 |
Time base encoder (Time Base Generator) (Incremental) |
28 |
TCom Encoder (Soft Drive) (Incremental) |
Enum Encoder mode
Define | Encoder mode |
1 | Determination of position |
2 | Determination of position and velocity |
3 | Determination of position, velocity and acceleration |
Enum Encoder evaluation direction (log. counting direction)
Define | Encoder evaluation direction (log. counting direction) |
0 | Evaluation in positive and negative counting direction (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | Evaluation only in positive counting direction |
2 | Evaluation only in negative counting direction |
3 | Evaluation neither in positive nor in negative counting direction (evaluation blocked) |
![]() | Not for all encoder types; only for KL5101, KL5151, KL2531, KL2541, IP5209, Universal encoder, etc. |
| Encoder types | ||
Encoder evaluation direction | KL5101, ... | Universal Encoder | other types |
0: positive and negative | √ | √ | — |
1: only positive | √ | √ | — |
2: only negative | √ | √ | — |
3: disabled | √ | √ | — |
Enum Encoder sign interpretation (data type)
Define | Sign interpretation (data type) of the encoder actual increments |
0 | NOT DEFINED (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | UNSIGNED: unsigned interpretation of the encoder actual increments |
2 | SIGNED: signed interpretation of the encoder actual increments |
![]() | For KL30xx/KL31xx only for the time being |
Enum Encoder absolute dimensioning system
Define | Encoder absolute dimensioning system |
0 | INC: Incremental absolute dimension system with underflow and overflow offset (default, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | ABS: Absolute dimension system without underflow and overflow offset (no underflow or overflow of the encoder allowed) |
2 | ABS MODULO: Conditionally absolute dimension system, since it has underflow and overflow offset (absolute value that modulo (endless) continues) |
![]() | Not for all encoder types; only for Profi Drive MC, M3000, KL5001/EL5001, IP5009, SERCOS, UNIVERSAL, etc. |
Enum Encoder position initialization
Define | Encoder position initialization |
0 | Direct adoption of the position increments without further logic (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | With underflow and overflow offset logic (direct adoption, or underflow or overflow offset) |
![]() | For SERCOS only for the time being |
Enum Reference mode for incremental encoder
Define | Reference mode for incremental encoder |
0 | NOT DEFINED (default configuration, i.e. compatible with the previous state) |
1 | Latch event: shutdown of the PLC cam (falling edge) |
2 | Latch event: Hardware sync pulse (zero track) |
3 | Latch event: External hardware latch with rising edge (measuring sensor or, respectively, measurement on the fly with rising edge) |
4 | Latch event: External hardware latch with falling edge (measuring sensor or, respectively, measurement on the fly with falling edge) |
5 | Latch event: Synthetically emulated software sync pulse (software zero track); REQUIREMENT: absolute per motor revolution, e.g. resolver! |
6 | Latch event: Hardware latch event defined in the drive with rising edge (e.g. for SoftDrive) (NEW) |
7 | Latch event: Hardware latch event defined in the drive with falling edge (e.g. for SoftDrive) (NEW) |
20 | Application defined Homing sequence (PLC code): Application defined Homing request is signaled to the PLC with the ApplicationRequest-Bit (NEW) |
| Referencing mode: Latch event | |||||
Encoder types
| 0: not defined | 1: PLC cam (falling edge) | 2: Hardware Sync pulse (zero-/C-track) | 3: External hardware Latch with rising edge | 4: External hardware Latch with falling edge | 5: Software Sync pulse (Software zero track) |
AX2xxx-B200 (Lightbus) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (only resolver) |
AX2xxx-B510 (CANopen) | — | √ | — | — | — | √ (only resolver) (see "Reference mask" parameter) |
AX2xxx-B1x0 (EtherCAT) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (only resolver) (fixed 20-bit) |
AX2xxx-B900 (Ethernet) | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (only resolver) |
Sercos | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (see "Reference mask" parameter) |
Profi Drive
| — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
KL5101 | — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
| — | √ | √ | — | — | √ |
| — | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ (not useful) |
| — | √ | √ | — | — | √ (not useful) |
CANopen (e.g. Lenze) | — | √ | — | √ (Input In1) | √ (Input In2)
| √ (only resolver) (fixed 16-bit) |
others Types | — | — | — | — | — | — |
Enum Drive types
Define | Drive types |
1 | Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 1 (Analog) |
2 | Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 2 (Analog) |
3 | Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 3 (Analog) |
4 | Analog Servo Drive: M2400 DAC 4 (Analog) |
5 | MDP 252 Drive: Analog Servo Drive: KL4xxx, KL2502-30K (Analog) |
6 | MDP 252 Drive: Analog Servo Drive (non-linear): KL4xxx, KL2502-30K (Analog) |
7 | High/low speed drive (Digital) |
8 | Stepper motor drive (Digital) |
9 | SERCOS-Drive (Digital) |
10 | MDP 510 Drive: KL5051 (BiSSI-Interface) (Digital) |
11 | AX2000 (Lightbus) (Digital) |
12 | Provi-Drive MC (Simodrive 611U) (Digital) |
13 | Universal Drive (Analog) |
14 | NC back plane (Analog) |
15 | Special CANopen type (e.g. Lenze Drive 9300) (Digital) |
16 | MDP 742 (DS402): CANopen and EtherCAT CoE (AX2xx-B1x0/B510) (Digital) |
17 | AX2xx-B900 Drive (Ethernet) (Digital) |
20 | KL2531/KL2541 Encoder (Stepper Motor) (Digital) |
21 | KL2532/KL2542 Encoder (DC motor), KL2535/KL2545 Encoder (PWM current terminal) (Digital) |
22 | TCom Drive (Soft Drive) (Digital) |
23 | MDP 733 Drive: Profile MDP 733 (EL7332, EL7342, EP7342) (Digital) |
24 | MDP 703 Drive: Profile MDP 703 (EL7031, EL7041, EP7041) (Digital) |
Enum Drive-Output-Start types
Define | Enum Drive-Output-Start types |
1 | Output value in percent |
2 | Output as velocity, e.g. m/min |
Enum Moving phases / Movement state for master axes
Define | Moving phases / Movement state (distinction between internal and external setpoint generation) |
Internal setpoint generation | |
0 | Setpoint generator not active (INACTIVE) |
1 | Setpoint generator active (RUNNING) |
2 | Velocity override is zero (OVERRIDE_ZERO) |
3 | Constant velocity (PHASE_VELOCONST) |
4 | Acceleration phase (PHASE_ACCPOS) |
5 | Deceleration phase (PHASE_ACCNEG) |
External setpoint generation: | |
41 | External setpoint generation active (EXTSETGEN_MODE1) |
42 | Internal and external setpoint generation active (EXTSETGEN_MODE2) |
Enum Moving phases / Movement state for slave axes
Define | Moving phases / Movement state |
0 | Slave generator not active (INACTIVE) |
11 | Slave is in a movement pre-phase (PRE-PHASE) |
12 | Slave is synchronizing (SYNCHRONIZING) |
13 | Slave is synchronized and moves synchronously (SYNCHRON) |
![]() | Only for slaves of the type synchronization generator for the time being |
Enum Table main types
Define | Table main types |
1 | (n*m) Cam plate tables (Camming) |
10 | (n*m) Characteristic curves tables (Characteristics) (e.g. hydraulic valve characteristics) Only non-cyclic table sub-types (1, 3) are supported! |
16 | (n*m) "Motion Function" tables (MF) Only non-equidistant table sub-types (3, 4) are supported! |
Enum Table sub-types
Define | Table sub types |
1 | (n*m) Table with equidistant master positions and no cyclic continuation of the master profile (equidistant linear) |
2 | (n*m) Table with equidistant master positions and cyclic continuation of the master profile (equidistant cyclic) |
3 | (n*m) Table with non-equidistant, but strictly monotonously increasing master positions and a non-cyclic continuation of the master profile (monotonously linear) |
4 | (n*m) Table with non-equidistant, but strictly monotonously increasing master positions and a cyclic continuation of the master profile (monotonously cyclic) |
Enum Table interpolation types
Define | Table interpolation types between the reference points |
0 | Linear interpolation (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_LINEAR) (Standard) |
1 | 4-point interpolation (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_4POINT) (for equidistant table types only) |
2 | Cubic spline interpolation of all reference points ("global spline") (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_SPLINE |
3 | sliding cubic spline interpolation of n reference points ("local spline") (NC_INTERPOLATIONTYPE_SLIDINGSPLINE)(from TC V2.11 B1514) |
Structure of the tables (CAM) coupling information
Tables |
| (CAM) coupling information |
nTableID; | 1. | cam table ID |
nInterpolationType; | 4. | e.g. LINEAR, 4POINT, SPLINE |
nNumberOfRows; | 5. | number of rows/elements |
nNumberOfColumns; | 6. | number of columns |
fRawMasterPeriod; | 7. | master period/cycle (raw value, not scaled) |
fRawSlaveStroke; | 8. | slave difference per master period/cycle (raw value, not scaled) |
fMasterOffset; | 9. | total master offset |
fSlaveOffset; | 10. | total slave offset |
fMasterScaling; | 11. | total master scaling |
fSlaveScaling; | 12. | total slave scaling |
fActualMasterAxisPos; | 13. | actual master axis setpos (absolute) |
fActualSlaveAxisPos; | 14. | actual slave axis setpos (absolute) |
fActualMasterCamPos; | 15. | actual master cam setpos |
fActualSlaveCamPos; | 16. | actual master cam setpos |
Structure of the characteristic values
Characteristic values | ||
fMasterVeloNom; | 1. | master nominal velocity (normed: => 1.0) |
fMasterPosStart; | 2. | master start position |
fSlavePosStart; | 3. | slave start position |
fSlaveVeloStart; | 4. | slave start velocity |
fSlaveAccStart; | 5. | slave start acceleration |
fSlaveJerkStart; | 6. | slave start jerk |
fMasterPosEnd; | 7. | master end position |
fSlavePosEnd; | 8. | slave end position |
fSlaveVeloEnd; | 9. | slave end velocity |
fSlaveAccEnd; | 10. | slave end acceleration |
fSlaveJerkEnd; | 11. | slave end jerk |
fMPosAtSPosMin; | 12. | master pos. at slave min. position |
fSlavePosMin; | 13. | slave minimum position |
fMPosAtSVeloMin; | 14. | master pos. at slave min. velocity |
fSlaveVeloMin; | 15. | slave minimum velocity |
fMPosAtSAccMin; | 16. | master pos. at slave min. acceleration |
fSlaveAccMin; | 17. | slave minimum acceleration |
fSVeloAtSAccMin; | 18. | slave velocity at slave min. acceleration |
fSlaveJerkMin; | 19. | slave minimum jerk |
fSlaveDynMomMin; | 20. | slave minimum dynamic momentum (NOT SUPPORTED YET!) |
fMPosAtSPosMax; | 21. | master pos. at slave max. position |
fSlavePosMax; | 22. | slave maximum position |
fMPosAtSVeloMax; | 23. | master pos. at slave max. velocity |
fSlaveVeloMax; | 24. | slave maximum velocity |
fMPosAtSAccMax; | 25. | master pos. at slave max. acceleration |
fSlaveAccMax; | 26. | slave maximum acceleration |
fSVeloAtSAccMax; | 27. | slave velocity at slave max. acceleration |
fSlaveJerkMax; | 28. | slave maximum jerk |
fSlaveDynMomMax; | 29. | slave maximum dynamic momentum (NOT SUPPORTED YET!) |
fSlaveVeloMean; | 30. | slave mean absolute velocity |
fSlaveAccEff; | 31. | slave effective acceleration |
Enum Axis control loop switch types
Define | Axis control loop switch types |
1 | Simple switching (similar to an axis reset) (STANDARD) |
2 | Switching/synchronization by means of I/D-part of the controller to an internal initial value (jerk-free/smooth) |
3 | Switching/synchronization by means of I/D-part of the controller to a parameterisable initial value |