TF6xxx - Connectivity 1:

TF6xxx - Connectivity

Overview of products from the TwinCAT 3 Connectivity area

TF6xxx - Connectivity 2:

TF6010 |
TwinCAT 3 ADS Monitor

The TF6010 ADS Monitor records the ADS communication from the TwinCAT Message Router. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 3:

TF6020 |
TwinCAT 3 JSON Data Interface

The TwinCAT 3 JSON Data Interface is a communication interface for the flexibly adaptable data exchange between TwinCAT systems and user-specific applications. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 4:

The TF6100 TwinCAT 3 OPC UA function consists of several software components:


TF6100 |
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Client

Provides OPC UA client functionality to enable communication with other OPC UA servers based on PLCopen-standardized function blocks and an easy-to-configure I/O device.


TF6100 |
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Configurator

Graphical user interface for configuring the TwinCAT OPC UA Server.


TF6100 |
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Gateway

Wrapper technology that provides both an OPC COM DA Server interface and OPC UA server aggregation capabilities.


TF6100 |
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Server

Provides an OPC UA server interface so that UA clients can access the TwinCAT runtime.




TF6xxx - Connectivity 5:

TF6105 |
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Pub/Sub

TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Pub/Sub extends the OPC UA client/server architecture to include publisher/subscriber communication patterns.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 6:

TF6120 |

OPC specification DataAccess 1.0a and 2.0
Has been replaced by the product TF6100 OPC UA.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 7:

TF6225 |
TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT External Sync

TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT External Sync extends the TwinCAT EtherCAT master with the option of synchronizing the Beckhoff real-time with an external digital electrical clock signal and provides a library with various function blocks for this purpose. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 8:

TF6230 |
TwinCAT 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)

The TwinCAT 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol enables real-time capable and redundant Ethernet communication via two separate networks. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 9:

TF6250 |
TwinCAT 3 Modbus TCP

Enables communication via a network connection (TCP/IP) using the open Modbus protocol.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 10:

TF6255 |
TwinCAT 3 Modbus RTU

TwinCAT 3 Modbus RTU offers function blocks for serial communication with Modbus terminal devices.


TF6xxx - Connectivity 11:

TF6270 |

The TwinCAT PROFINET RT Device (slave) is a function that turns any PC-based controller with an Intel® chipset and the real-time Ethernet driver developed by Beckhoff into a PROFINET RT device. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 12:

TF6271 |
TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Controller

TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Controller (master) is a function that turns any PC-based controller with an Intel® chipset and the real-time Ethernet driver developed by Beckhoff into a PROFINET RT Controller.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 13:

TF6280 |
TwinCAT 3 Ethernet/IP Adapter

In combination with a network-compatible Beckhoff PC with a physical interface, up to 8 EtherNet/IP™ adapters can be parameterized.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 14:

TF6281 |
TwinCAT 3 Ethernet/IP Scanner

Extension that turns an Ethernet interface with an Intel® chipset into an EtherNet/IP scanner. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 15:

TF6300 |
TwinCAT 3 FTP Client

Enables the transfer of files between the PLC controller and a server based on the FTP and SFTP protocol. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 16:

TF6310 |

The TwinCAT 3 TCP/IP connection server enables the implementation of one or several TCP/IP servers/clients in the TwinCAT PLC. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 17:

TF6311 |
TwinCAT 3 TCP/UDP Realtime

The TCP/UDP Realtime function offers direct access to network cards from the real-time environment. Access can be gained either from the PLC (61131-3) or C++.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 18:

TF6340 |
TwinCAT 3 Serial Communication

Enables serial data communication for the TwinCAT 3 PLC.


TF6xxx - Connectivity 19:

TF6350 |

Enables alarm and status messages to be sent directly from TwinCAT. With this function, emails or SMS can be sent according to self-defined conditions.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 20:

TF6360 |
TwinCAT 3 Virtual Serial COM

This function enables access to serial EtherCAT Terminals from a Windows application.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 21:

TF6420 |
TwinCAT 3 Database Server

The TwinCAT Database Server enables a data exchange between the TwinCAT system and various database systems.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 22:

TF6421 |
TwinCAT 3 XML Server

The TwinCAT XML Server offers a PLC library that can be used to implement write and read access to XML files. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 23:

TF6500 |
TwinCAT 3 IEC 60870-5-10x

IEC 60870-5-10x enables communication from the PLC in accordance with the IEC 60870-5-10x standard. Both server and client modes are possible.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 24:

TF6510 |
TwinCAT 3 IEC 61850

IEC 61850 is a communication protocol for data exchange in electrical substations. The TwinCAT product for IEC 61850 offers this type of communication directly from the TwinCAT control system in the form of a PLC programming interface. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 25:

TF6600 |
TwinCAT 3 RFID Reader Communication

The TwinCAT 3 RFID Reader Communication library makes communication with RFID readers from the PLC program possible. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 26:

TF6620 |
TwinCAT 3 S7 Communication

TwinCAT S7 Communication enables data to be exchanged between the TwinCAT system and a Siemens S7 controller.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 27:

TF6650 |
TwinCAT 3 DBC File Import for CAN

Enables DBC file formats (.dbc) to be read. The DBC data format is a CAN network description and enables attributes to be defined and assigned to the elements of the network.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 28:

TF6701 |
TwinCAT 3 IoT Communication MQTT

The Tc3_IotBase PLC library function blocks can be used for publisher/subscriber-based data exchange between the TwinCAT PLC and a message broker via the MQTT communication protocol.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 29:

TF6710 |
TwinCAT 3 IoT Functions

IoT Functions is a product for the TwinCAT 3 runtime that enables bi-directional data communication with cloud services from within the machine program. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 30:

TF6720 |
TwinCAT 3 IoT Data Agent

IoT Data Agent provides bi-directional connectivity to different cloud services. It is a gateway application that can be installed either on the controller or on a gateway computer. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 31:

TF6730 |
TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator (-App)

The function blocks of the Tc3_IoTCommunicator PLC library can be used to execute a data exchange between the local TwinCAT PLC and a mobile end device (smart device) via an MQTT message broker. 

TF6xxx - Connectivity 32:

TF6760 |

The function blocks of the Tc3_IoTBase PLC library can be used to address REST APIs as a client via HTTP/HTTPS communication. Common HTTP commands such as GET, PUT, or POST are available for this purpose.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 33:

TF6770 |
TwinCAT 3 IoT WebSockets

The function blocks of the Tc3_IotBase PLC library can be used to establish a WebSocket connection with a server as a client and exchange data.

TF6xxx - Connectivity 34:

TF6771 |

With the TF6771 IoT OCPP TwinCAT function, TwinCAT can act as both an OCPP client and as an OCPP server.