The property returns the event confirmation date and time. The event confirmation date and time is the time when the event was confirmed from the PLC function block by setting EventQuit=TRUE (or other ADS device) or the from a call to ITcEvent::.Confirm
HRESULT DateConfirmed([out, retval]
DATE *pVal);
[out, retval] Pointer to a long value that receives the event confirmation date and time.
Return Values
S_OK Function was successfully called E_POINTER pVal was no valid pointer. |
Visual Basic sample code
' get the one and only event logger
Dim evtLogger As TCEVENTLOGGERLib.TcEventLog
Set evtLogger = New TCEVENTLOGGERLib.TcEventLog
' get the most recent active event
Dim evt As TcEvent
Set evt = evtLogger.GetLastEvent
' get the event confirmation date and time
Dim dateTime As Date
dateTime = evt.DateConfirmed
Debug.Print dateTime
The event confirmation date and time is just set on those events that must be confirmed, see ITcEvent::.MustConfirm