The TcEvtConfiguration object is the core component of the Configurator. It exposes all its functionality via COM through the ITcEvtConfig Interface. Through its exposed methods you may programmatically open, create edit and save Configurations.

With the TcEventConfig Library a set of common import/export filters is supplied. If you want to use a custum database to store your event information, you have the possibilty to implement an own parser. For detailed information on that see the ITcEvtCfgParser interface.

COM 1:

Use these Interfaces to manipulate a configuration




Core component of the configurator. From here files are loaded, saved and manipulated


Component representing one event Source. From here the source name may be set and events belonging to that source may be accessed


Component representing one event. Through this component the e.g., event messeges may be edited. Also, DocLinks associated with that event can be accessed


Component representing one DocLink. Use to set up one events DocLinks


Enumerates throug all registered import/export parsers and returns the parsers Interfaces


Import and export configurations to various storage formats