Kinematic parameters (P-TOOL-00009)
The parameters "wz[i].kinematic.param[j]" serve for tool dependent parameterizing of the kinematics transformation (RTCP / TLC / TOOL ORI CS [Programming]). Their allocation will be defined application specific.
Parameter name from V263:
Variable name | Type | Permissible range | Dimension |
kinematic.param[j] | SGN32 | MIN(SGN32) < kinematic.param[j] < MAX(SGN32) | 0,1 µm or. 0,0001 inch |
j | UNS16 | 0 ... [KOPF_VERSATZ_MAX - 1] |
Parameter name to V260:
Variable name | Type | Permissible range | Dimension |
wz_kopf_versatz[j] | SGN32 | MIN(SGN32) < wz_kopf_versatz[j] < MAX(SGN32) | 0,1 µm or. 0,0001 inch |
j | UNS16 | 0 ... [KOPF_VERSATZ_MAX - 1] | ---- |
Value KOPF_VERSATZ_MAX | Significance |
application-dependent | Maximum number of kinematic parameters |
Additionally there is the possibility to define kinematic parameters for each kinematics in the channel parameters P-CHAN-00094. If an element is allocated in both lists, the CNC will perform an addition of the stated values.
Detailed information about 5-axes machining are to be found in [Programming].
Extract from "werkz_d.lis":
# ==========================================================================
# Tool data for tool no. 5
# ==========================================================================
wz[5].kinematic.param[0] 1538000 # Tool head offset 1: 153,8 mm
wz[5].kinematic.param[1] 25000 # Tool head offset 2: 2,5 mm
wz[5].kinematic.param[2] 0 # Tool head offset 3: 0 mm
wz[5].kinematic.param[5] 900000 # Tool head offset 3; 90 mm