Standard HSC programming

#HSC  [ON | OFF] [ [OPMODE<expr>] [CONTERROR<expr>] ]  (modal)

ON Enable free form mode

OFF Disable free form mode

OPMODE <expr> Set operation mode:

Valid values



Insertion of transfer polynomials


Generation of interpolating spline curves

CONTERROR <expr> Specification of maximum allowed contour error:

Valid values



Maximum contour error "ε"

Is only valid in combination with active OPMODE 1.

If the parameter is set in OPMODE 2, it only is effective after changing into OPMODE 1!

If the #HSC ON command is programmed without parameters, following default values are valid:




0.1 mm

Standard HSC programming 1:

The parameters may be changed separately. This means, it is possible to select free form operation mode ("OPMODE"), enable free form mode ("ON"), but change the maximum contour error ("CONTERROR") later.
Free form operation mode cannot be changed while free form mode is enabled. Trying to do this will cause an error message to be output.