Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS
With type MET_SVS the parameter is time to go, with MEP_SVS the parameter is path to go (see also chapter
EXAMPLE:The output of the user specific M-function M96 to PLC must be executed 10 mm before reaching the synchronization position in the block sequence.
The output of the user specific M-function M97 to PLC must be executed 40 milliseconds before reaching the time of synchronization in the block sequence.
Extract from channel parameters list:
# Definition of M-Functions and synchronisation types
# ===================================================
m_synch[96] 0x01000000 MEP_SVS
m_synch[97] 0x02000000 MET_SVS
# Definition of pre-output time, pre-output path with MET_SVS, MEP_SVS
# ====================================================================
m_pre_outp[96] 100000 in 0.1 um
m_pre_outp[97] 40000 in us