Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS

N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20     X20
N30     X30
N40     X40
N45 M96     (M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 250000)     (oder MET_SVS m_pre_outp = 300000µs)
N50     X80M30

Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS 1:

Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS 2:

Art und Quelle der Gefahr

If several M functions of this synchronization type are overlapping itselves in relation to its ranges of effect and position in NC program, the first programmed M function in the NC block sequence determines the most primal time of output for all following M functions (see examples shown below).This can cause a shifting or changed order of the output times. Thus, range overlappings should be avoided!

Programming example: Range overlapping and output for MEP_SVS, MET_SVS

M functions in different NC blocks, range overlapping causes changed output times:

(M95 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp =
(M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp =

Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS 3:

M functions in the same NC block, range overlapping has no effect on output times:

(M95 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp =
(M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp =

Synchronization types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS 4: