Factor to coarse encoder resolution (P-AXIS-00405)

The parameter antr.encoder_coarsening_factor (P-AXIS-00405) can be used to coarse the encoder resolution of the drive. This can be necessary e.g. if the resolution of the measurement system (s. P-AXIS-00234/P-AXIS-00235) is greater than one, since these resolutions reduce the possible movement range in the CNC. The value of the parameter P-AXIS-00405 specifies the number of the lowest significant encoder bits, which are not accounted. An encoder with 2^20 increments and an encoder_coarsening_factor = 4 leads to an effective encoder resolution of 2^16 increments, meaning the path resolution is reduced by the factor of 16. The reduced encoder resolution (not the native encoder resolution!) must be used afterwards to set the path resolution (P-AXIS-00234/P-AXIS-00233) or to home with encoder overflow evaluation (P-AXIS-00355).

Variable name


Permissible range

Axis type




0 <encoder_coarsening_factor < 20

T, R


Factor to coarse encoder resolution (P-AXIS-00405) 1:

Actually, coarsening of encoder resolution is only possible for SERCOS drives.