Relieve position difference when enabling drive controller (P-AXIS-00327)

If a drive is enabled, it moves from its actual position to the command position. If the difference between actual and command position is less than P-AXIS-00108 this position difference is driven out in one single step. With Parameter P-AXIS-00327 it can be achived that the positon difference is driven out with a linear slope profile.

Here the following dynamic parameters are used:

Velocity of the movement


Acceleration of the movement


A reset during the correction movement aborts this movement in compliance with the dynamic parameters mentioned above.

A channel specific feedhold leads to a stopp of the correction movement, if the axis is attached to a channel. If the axis is not attached to a channel, an axis specific feedhold or an axis specific override zero leads to an interruption of the correction movement.

Program start resp. continuation of a program is done after the correction movement is finished.

Relieve position difference when enabling drive controller (P-AXIS-00327) 1:

This functionality is supported only by SERCOS, CAN and DSE drives. From version V263 also PROFIDRIVE is supported.

Variable name


Permissible range

Axis type




0 / 1

