
FB_BAFPowerMeasurementKL3403 1:

Function-block for controlling a Power Measurement directly out of the PLC-program.


uiId                     : UINT;
bStartExecution          : BOOL;
bStopExecution           : BOOL;
bResetEnergyConsumption  : BOOL;

uiId: Object id of the instance (see object id).

bStartExecution: Starts the instance of the power measurement.

bStopExecution: Stops the instance of the power measurement.

bResetEnergyConsumption: Resets the energy consumption values.


uiErrorId                : UINT;
iErrorParameter          : INT;
eExecutionState          : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
lrCurrentRMSValuesL1     : LREAL;
lrCurrentRMSValuesL2     : LREAL;
lrCurrentRMSValuesL3     : LREAL;
lrVoltageRMSValuesL1     : LREAL;
lrVoltageRMSValuesL2     : LREAL;
lrVoltageRMSValuesL3     : LREAL;
lrEffectivePowerL1       : LREAL;
lrEffectivePowerL2       : LREAL;
lrEffectivePowerL3       : LREAL;
lrEnergyConsumptionsL1   : LREAL;
lrEnergyConsumptionsL2   : LREAL;
lrEnergyConsumptionsL3   : LREAL;
lrPowerFactorsL1         : LREAL;
lrPowerFactorsL2         : LREAL;
lrPowerFactorsL3         : LREAL;
lrEffectivePower         : LREAL;
lrEnergyConsumption      : LREAL;
lrPowerFactor            : LREAL;
lrIdlePower              : LREAL;
lrApparentPower          : LREAL;
lrFrequencyL1            : LREAL;
lrFrequencyL2            : LREAL;
lrFrequencyL3            : LREAL;
lrCurrentRMSValue        : LREAL;

uiErrorId: Contains the error code of the last executed command (see Error codes).

iErrorParameter: Contains the specific parameter of the error code (see Error codes).

eExecutionState: Contains the actual execution state of the instance of the power measurement.

lrCurrentRMSValuesL1: Actual current of phase L1.

lrCurrentRMSValuesL2: Actual current of phase L2.

lrCurrentRMSValuesL3: Actual current of phase L3.

lrVoltageRMSValuesL1: Voltage value at phase L1.

lrVoltageRMSValuesL2: Voltage value at phase L2.

lrVoltageRMSValuesL3: Voltage value at phase L3.

lrEffectivePowerL1: Effective power of phase L1.

lrEffectivePowerL2: Effective power of phase L2.

lrEffectivePowerL3: Effective power of phase L3.

lrEnergyConsumptionsL1: Energy consumption at phase L1.

lrEnergyConsumptionsL2: Energy consumption at phase L2.

lrEnergyConsumptionsL3: Energy consumption at phase L3.

lrPowerFactorsL1: Power factor of phase L1.

lrPowerFactorsL2: Power factor of phase L2.

lrPowerFactorsL3: Power factor of phase L3.

lrEffectivePower: Overall power of all phases.

lrEnergyConsumption: Energy consumption of all phases.

lrPowerFactor: Power factor of all phases.

lrIdlePower: In sum idle power.

lrApparentPower: In sum apparent power.

lrFrequencyL1: Frequency at phase L1.

lrFrequencyL2: Frequency at phase L2.

lrFrequencyL3: Frequency at phase L3.

lrCurrentRMSValue: In sum current.