
FB_BAFDigitalSignalGroupStandard 1:

Function-block for controlling a Standard Digital Signal Group directly out of the PLC-program.


uiId                 : UINT;
bStartExecution      : BOOL;
bStopExecution       : BOOL;
bChangeOnDelay       : BOOL;
tChangeOnDelay       : TIME;
bChangeOffDelay      : BOOL;
tChangeOffDelay      : TIME;

uiId: Object id of the instance (see object id).

bStartExecution: Starts the instance of the digital signal group.

bStopExecution: Stops the instance of the digital signal group.

bChangeOnDelay: Sets the time delay-on to the value of the input tChangeOnDelay.

tChangeOnDelay: See bChangeOnDelay.

bChangeOffDelay: Sets the time delay-off to the value of the input tChangeOffDelay.

tChangeOffDelay: See bChangeOffDelay.


uiErrorId                : UINT;
iErrorParameter          : INT;
eExecutionState          : E_BAF_ExecutionState;
udiAmountOfSignals       : UDINT;
udiAmountOfFaultySignals : UDINT;
udiAmountOfActiveSignals : UDINT;
bRawValue                : BOOL;
bValue                   : BOOL;
bRisingEdge              : BOOL;
bFallingEdge             : BOOL;
bEdgeChanged             : BOOL;
bClick                   : BOOL;
bLongClick               : BOOL;
bDoubleClick             : BOOL;
tRemainingTimeOnDelay    : TIME;
tRemainingTimeOffDelay   : TIME;

uiErrorId: Contains the error code of the last executed command (see Error codes).

iErrorParameter: Contains the specific parameter of the error code (see Error codes).

eExecutionState: Contains the actual execution state of the instance of the digital signal group.

udiAmountOfSignals: The amount of all digital signals in this group.

udiAmountOfFaultySignals: The amount of all faulty signals in this group (uiErrorId > 0).

udiAmountOfActiveSignals : The amount of all active signals in this group.

bRawValue: The bValue-output of a digital signal can be delayed. This output however shows the result of the OR-connection of the non-delayed signal-states of the digital signals in this group.

bValue : This signal is the result of an OR-connection of all bValue-outputs of the digital signals in this group.

bRisingEdge : The rising trigger of bValue of this group.

bFallingEdge : The falling trigger of bValue of this group.

bEdgeChanged : The edge-change of bValue of this group.

bClick : A short-click in this group was detected.

bLongClick : A long-click in this group was detected.

bDoubleClick : A double-click in this group was detected.

tRemainingTimeOnDelay: Shows the remaining time of the on-delay-timer.

tRemainingTimeOffDelay: Shows the remaining time of the off-delay-timer.