Standard Digital Signal Group
The standard Digital Signal Group combines multiple digital signals to one group.
- On Delay: Time delay on.
- Off Delay: Time delay off.
- Long / Double Click: Time to recognize both long and double-click, which are used to activate scenes, see below. If the button is pressed longer than this time, it is interpreted as a long click. Pressing the button twice within this time span will be recognized as a double-click.
The resulting value of the group is calculated with the resulting values of the single digital signals - not their raw values.
All the devices, which shall be combined to one digital signal group, must be chosen in this menu.
Pressing the Edit-button will open a form, in which all defined digital signals can be chosen. By marking a digital signal and pressing Delete the selected digital signal will be removed from the group. The digital signal will only be taken from the group, not from the whole application.
Pressing the New-button within the Scenes-menu opens a dialog, where the analyzed events
- Rising edge
- Falling edge
- Edge changed
- Click
- Double click
- Long click
(see logical diagram above) can be assigned to the execution of a scene. The scene however has to be defined previously.
- Value: Logical OR-interconnection of all non-erroneous digital signal values followed by on and off-delay (see logical diagram above).
- Raw Value: Logical OR-interconnection of all non-erroneous digital signal values only.
- Number of Signals: Number of digital signals assigned to this group.
- Number of faulty Signals: Number of digital signals assigned to this group which are in an error-state.
- Number of active Signals: Number of digital signals assigned to this group which are in an active state.
- Remaining Time On Delay / Remaining Time Off Delay: Shows the remaining time of the delay-timers.
State PLC Module
- Execution State: Shows if the module is running or stopped.
- Error: In case of an error, the error code and the error parameter are displayed in this box.
- Start/Stop: Starts/stops the module.