By defining constants in the PLC it is possible to specify how many objects of a certain type can be created. If the appropriate constant does not exist, then the default value listed below is used.
If you change one of the constants you must recompile the PLC program. Subsequently, the TPY file must be read in again and the project re-activated in the TwinCAT Building Automation Manager.
Unused objects also use resources on the target system. Do not set the constants any highly than is necessary for the application. A reserve of approx. 10% can be taken as a guide value here. If it is to be expected that, for example, you will have a maximum of 142 lighting actuators, then you should set the constant constBAFMaxLamps to 157.
In the example below, the maximum number of lights is set to 65 and that of the sun blinds to 0.
In the TwinCAT Building Automation Manager, the value of the respective constant is displayed in the application program area under the Performance features dialog.
The table shows the names of the individual constants and their default values. If a constant is not re-declared, then the appropriate default value is used.
Sensors | Name of the constant | Default value |
Digital Signals | constBAFMaxDigitalSignals | 80 |
Analog Signals | constBAFMaxAnalogSignals | 50 |
Actuators |
Lamps | constBAFMaxLamps | 80 |
Blind Drives | constBAFMaxBlindDrives | 60 |
Valve Actuators | constBAFMaxValveActuators | 60 |
Window Drives | constBAFMaxWindowDrives | 60 |
Sensor Groups |
Digital Signal Groups | constBAFMaxDigitalSignalGroups | 80 |
Analog Signal Groups | constBAFMaxAnalogSignalGroups | 50 |
Actuator Groups |
Lamp Groups | constBAFMaxLampGroups | 80 |
Blind Drive Groups | constBAFMaxBlindDriveGroups | 60 |
Valve Drive Groups | constBAFMaxValveActuatorGroups | 60 |
Window Drive Groups | constBAFMaxWindowDriveGroups | 60 |
Functional Units |
Lightings | constBAFMaxLightings | 80 |
Sunblinds | constBAFMaxSunblinds | 60 |
HVAC | constBAFMaxHVACs | 50 |
Windows | constBAFMaxWindows | 60 |
Composite Modules |
Composite Modules | constBAFMaxCompositeModules | 40 |
Scenes |
Scenes | constBAFMaxScenes | 100 |
Time Scheduler Channels |
Time Scheduler Channels | constBAFMaxTimeSchedulerChannels | 50 |
Weather Stations |
Weather Stations | constBAFMaxWeatherStations | 4 |
Subsystems |
EnOcean Lines | constBAFMaxEnOceanLines | 8 |
DALI Lines | constBAFMaxDALILines | 8 |
Serial Communication Lines | constBAFMaxSerialCommunicationLines | 4 |
Power Measurement Lines | constBAFMaxPowerMeasurementLines | 4 |