Application Program Settings
By clicking on Application Program in the navigation tree the settings of the PLC-program belonging to the framework can be accessed. Furtheron you can open the directory of the PLC programm with a right click. Is TwinCAT Control istalled, you can open the *.pro file directly. For that the *.tpy and the *.pro file musst have the same name.
- Path: If a PLC program is compiled in TwinCAT PLC Control and uploaded to a controller, a *.tpy file is generated in the PLC program directory. The path for the *.tpy file associated with this controller must be entered or selected here.
- Relative to BAMX-File: If this box is selected, only the (relative) path from the project file (*.bam file) (e.g. .\TcBAFrameworkV2.20.tpy) is stored, rather than the full (absolute) path for the *.tpy file (e.g. C:\BAM First Steps\TcBAFrameworkV2.20.tpy).
- Change... / Rescan: This option can be used to select or re-read the *.tpy file to be used.
This dialog lists how many sensors, actuators etc. can be processed by the PLC and how many are in use. Moreover the highest used array indices of all module types are shown. (If the highest used index is greater than the current amount, then a module with a lower index was deleted before.)
- Version: Indicates the current version of the running PLC.
- Calculated Sun Azimuth: Result of the azimuth-calculation with the given time and location-coordinates (Project → Settings → Location).
- Calculated Sun Elevation: Result of the elevation-calculation.
- Calculated Sunrise: Estimated sunrise.
- Calculated Sunset: Estimated sunset.
- Local Time and Date: Local time and date on the computer, where the PLC is running.
- Greenwich Mean Time and Date: Greenwich time (GMT). .
State PLC Module
- Execution State: Shows if the module is running or stopped.
- Error: In case of an error, the error code and the error parameter is displayed in this box.
- Start/Stop: Starts/stops the application program.