Shading as a function of the position of the sun
The blinds are interactively regulated depending on the incidence of light and the position of the sun. This is calculated such that use-optimized room lighting is always achieved. Distinction is made between summer and winter operation based on the outside temperature. The consistent use of solar power reduces heating energy in winter. In summer the cooling load is reduced by optimal shading without completely darkening the room. Optionally the energy balance can be further improved by a motion detector and by a temperature sensor in the room.
Special blind drives (Blind Drive connected with KL2532) are required in order to utilise this function unit.
- temporary Download: If you want to change parameters to test the blind, then a normal download of parameters (activate configuration) would take a relativ long time. To make work easier and save time, therefore exists the possibility of a temporary download. Here, it is not necessary to stop the PLC modules to download the parameters. The parameters of the blind will remain temporary and not persistent. These changes will discard after a PLC restart or activating the configuration.
- Latching time of the switches: Time until the commands given by the sensors/sensor groups (see Sensors/Actuators) are maintained.
- Reversing time after discontinuation of Presens: This parameter is only valid, if a motion detector is connected. If a pushbutton is pressed, the automatic mode of the blind is stopped. Is the motion detector inactive (the room is empty), a reversing time with the here entered duration starts. When the time has expired, the automatic mode is switched on again.
- Behavior at automatic off: Function, which shall be executed, when automatic-mode is turned off.
- Nothing
- Drive blind slats horizontally
- Drive blind up
- Close blind drive
- Threshold value for high outdoor brightness: If this threshold is exceeded, the action defined under Behavior at high outdoor brightness (see below) will be executed.
- Threshold value for low outdoor brightness: If this threshold is undershot, the action defined under Behavior at low outdoor brightness (see below) will be executed.
- Behavior at high outdoor brightness: The following actions can be selected to be executed at high brightness:
- Drive blind down
- Sun tracking maximum shading (Cut off)
- Behavior at low outdoor brightness: One of these functions can be chosen for low brightness:
- Drive blind slats horizontally
- Drive blind up
- Sun tracking maximum light entry: The lamellas will be set to an angle letting pass the maximum of the sunlight.
- Sun tracking maximum shading (Cut off)
- Threshold value for room temperature:
- On : Exceeding this temperature the action selected under Behavior at low room temperature (see below) will be deactivated.
- Off : The action selected under Behavior at low room temperature (see below) will be executed by undershooting the entered temperature.
- Behavior at low room temperature: Here the function can be selected, which shall be carried out, when the room temperature falls below the above-mentioned threshold (only in winter operation mode).
- Drive blind slats horizontally
- Drive blind up
- Sun tracking maximum light entry: The lamellas will be set to an angle letting pass the maximum of the sunlight.
- Sun tracking maximum shading ( Cut off ).
Sensors / Actuators
In this section the actuators and sensors for the functional unit must be entered. To make changes, the Edit-button has to be pressed.
- Step Up/Step Down: Stepping the assigned blinds up/down. Standard Blinds (type 1) will be stepped by an adjustable time. Blinds connected with KL2532 will be stepped by the entered Step Range.
- Up/Down: All assigned drives will be driven up/down. Blinds connected with KL2532 will be moved with rapid velocity. The rapid velocity is to be entered in the Dynamics-menu of the blind-drive.
- Stop: Stops the blind.
- Set Position Direct: The assigned blinds will be driven to a specific position. This position must be given in shadowing-percentage and lamella-angle.
- Set Control Mode: Automatic or manual mode can be chosen here. The selection has to be activated by pressing the Apply-button.
- Set Simulation Mode: Summer or winter-simulation can be activated, or the simulation mode can be turned off.
- Average Position: Average position of all assigned blind drives. 100% means completely closed, 0% completely opened.
- Operating Mode: Displays the chosen operation mode.
- Control Mode: Displays the actual control mode.
- Simulation Mode: Shows, which simulation mode is active.
- Simulation off
- Simulation Summer operation
- Simulation Winter operation
State PLC Module
- Execution State: Shows, if the module is running or stopped.
- Error: In case of an error, the error code and the error parameter are displayed in this box.
- Start/Stop: Starts/stops the module.