
To move a blind to a specific position, the actual absolute position has to be known at any time. Calibration means, that the blind is moved to a point, where the absolute position is known - the upmost position. The blind will be driven shortly downwards and then upwards with Velocity during Calibrating until the motor is stopped due to overload-detection. At this point the position is set to 0. Finally the blind is driven to the upper limit switch.
After a restart of the PLC however, the absolute position gets lost and the blind has to be calibrated again. The calibration will be automatically executed at either the system start-up or before the first positioning command. This can be selected, see Blind Drive connected with KL2532 - Settings.

Calibration 1:

If the blind gets stuck during calibration, the drive will notice an overload and will wrongly interpret this as reaching the upmost position. In this case the calibration goes wrong.