Main Window

The main window of the Building Automation Manager is structured into 4 main areas, which are explained below.

Main Window 1:

1 Navigation Tree

On the left side of the main window the navigation tree can be found.
Click here to get a detailed description of this element.

2 Information and Settings Panel

The large control on the right side of the main window is used to configure and set up the element selected in the navigation tree.
Information about the individual options of an element can be found in the specific documentation page of this element.

3 Toolbar

With the toolbar at the top of the main window you can open, save, and create new projects. More functions are available in a specific context.
To access the options window click on Options → Settings. You can set the language and other behaviors of the Building Automation Manager there.

4 Message Window

At the bottom of the main window the message window is displayed.
A detailed description of this control can be found here