
  BACnet_MaxDayEntry                                    := 19,
  BACnet_MaxExSchEntries                                := 9,
  BACnet_MaxTimeValues                                  := 9,
  BACnet_MaxObjIdList                                   := 1999,
  BACnet_MaxLogBufferEntries                            := 499,
  BACnet_MaxDestinationArray                            := 19,

  BACnet_ERR_NO_ERROR                                   := 0,
  BACnet_ERR_NO_VALID_NET_ID                            := 1,
  BACnet_ERR_WRONG_MAPPING                              := 2,
  BACnet_ERR_OPERATIONAL                                := 3,
  BACnet_ERR_NO_ETH_LINK                                := 4,
  BACnet_ERR_NO_GATEWAY                                 := 5,
  BACnet_ERR_WOC_TRIGGER_UNSUP                          := 6,
  BACnet_ERR_WOC_DISABLED                               := 7,
  BACnet_ERR_INVALID_OBJECTID                           := 8,
  BACnet_ERR_INVALID_OBJECTTYPE                         := 10,
  BACnet_ERR_INVALID_CYCLETIME                          := 11,
  BACnet_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER                          := 12,

  BACnet_ERR_PERSISTENT_WRITE                           := 20,
  BACnet_ERR_INVALID_ADS_CONN                           := 21,
  BACnet_ERR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT                             := 22,
  BACnet_ERR_CLIENT_SERVICE                             := 23,
  BACnet_ERR_WOC_TRIGGER_ACTIVE                         := 24,
  BACnet_ERR_REVISION_READ                              := 25,
  BACnet_ERR_PERSISTENT_PLC_WRITE                       := 26,

  BACnet_ERR_ADS_NO_VALID_NET_ID                        := 30,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_Data                                   := 31,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_Read                                   := 32,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_Write                                  := 33,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjType                                := 34,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjListEmpty                           := 35,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_DeviceOP                               := 36,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoDevice                               := 37,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjInstance                            := 38,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_AmsPort                                := 39,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjectId                               := 40,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_LegacyStack                            := 41,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjIdMissmatch                         := 42,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_BufferSize                             := 43,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_SchedData                              := 44,
  BACnet_ERR_UnknownEventChoice                         := 45,
  BACnet_ERR_UnknownEntryChoice                         := 46,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_TooManyObjects                         := 47,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_WrongEntrySize                         := 48,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_RecipientData                          := 49,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_TooManyEntries                         := 50,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_NotEnoughEntries                       := 51,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_Encoding                               := 52,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoServerClient                         := 53,
  BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoNotificationSink                     := 54,

  BACnet_ADSTimeOut                                     := t#15s,
  BACnet_PlcPersisTimeOut                               := t#2m,
  BACnet_STRING_MAXLENGTH                               := 256,

  BACnet_ADSIGRP_GET_OBJECT_LIST                        := 16#82400000,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_CLIENT_COM_PARAMETER                   := 16#84000000,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_DEV_R_GETADSPORTBYDEVID                := 16#80000047,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_CNT                   := 16#00000001,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_CNT                     := 16#00000002,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_READ                  := 16#00000003,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_READ                    := 16#00000004,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_DELETE                := 16#00000005,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_DELETE                  := 16#00000006,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_INFO                  := 16#00000007,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_INFO                    := 16#00000008,
  BACnet_ADSIGRP_WRITE_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_ACK             := 16#00000009,

BACnet_MaxDayEntry: Limiting the maximum number of entries per day of the week in the structure ST_BACnet_WeeklyScheduleBool.

BACnet_MaxExSchEntries: Limiting the maximum number of exception entries in the structure ST_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleBool.

BACnet_MaxTimeValues: Limiting the maximum number of time entries in the structure ST_BACnet_ExceptionScheduleEntryBool.

BACnet_MaxObjIdList: Limiting the maximum readable object IDs with the function block FB_BACnet_ObjectListProperty.

BACnet_MaxLogBufferEntries: Limiting the maximum readable log buffer entries with the function block FB_BACnet_LogBufferProperty.

BACnet_MaxDestinationArray: Limiting the maximum writeable/readable entries of a recipient list with the function block FB_BACnet_RecipientListProperty.

BACnet_ERR_NO_ERROR: Error code: No error.

BACnet_ERR_NO_VALID_NET_ID: Error code: No valid AMS NetID available (possible cause: the function block FB_BACnet_Adapter was not fully linked in the TwinCAT System Manager; solution: check the mapping of the process data in the TwinCAT System Manager, re-link or re-run PLC automapping, if necessary).

BACnet_ERR_WRONG_MAPPING: Error code: Faulty process data mapping (possible cause: the corresponding block was not fully linked in the TwinCAT System Manager; solution: check the mapping of the process data in the TwinCAT System Manager, re-link or re-run PLC automapping, if necessary).

BACnet_ERR_OPERATIONAL: Error code: The associated BACnet Server / Client (FB_BACnet_Device or FB_BACnet_RemoteDevice) is not in "Operational" state (possible cause local/remote: The block FB_BACnet_Device or FB_BACnet_RemoteDevice is not called cyclically in the PLC program; solution: call the instance of FB_BACnet_Device or FB_BACnet_RemoteDevice at least once per PLC program cycle; possible cause remote: the connection to the remote server is interrupted; measures: check the connection; it may be possible to determine the cause of the interruption by means of the diagnostic data).

BACnet_ERR_NO_ETH_LINK: Error code: The network adapters report a missing network connection (possible cause: the network cable was removed, or the remote terminal is not connected or has no power supply; measures: check the network connector & connection and the remote terminal).

BACnet_ERR_NO_GATEWAY: Error code: The configured gateway is not available (possible causes: the gateway configuration is incorrect; the gateway cannot be reached due to lack of network connection; the gateway is faulty/switched off; measures: check the configuration, network connection and accessibility of the gateway).

BACnet_ERR_WOC_TRIGGER_UNSUP: Error code: Write-On-Change trigger is not supported by the BACnet driver used.

BACnet_ERR_WOC_DISABLED: Error code: Write-On-Change could not be triggered, since Write-On-Change is disabled.

BACnet_ERR_INVALID_OBJECTID: Error code: Invalid object ID detected (possible causes: the object_identifier property was not properly linked in the TwinCAT System Manager; the object type used does not match the object type that is encoded in the object ID; measures: check/renew the mapping in the TwinCAT System Manager or re-run PLC automapping; compare the type of the linked object in the TwinCAT System Manager and the function block type used in the PLC program).


BACnet_ERR_INVALID_CYCLETIME: Error code: Invalid PLC cycle time detected. The cycle time must not be less than/equal to zero.

BACnet_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER: Error code: The transferred parameters are not correct.

BACnet_ERR_PERSISTENT_WRITE: Error code: Persistent data of the BACnet driver could not be written (a possible cause could be a lack of memory or inadequate router memory).

BACnet_ERR_INVALID_ADS_CONN: Error code: The ADS connection to the server/client could not be established or is incorrectly configured.

BACnet_ERR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: Error code: The connection to a remote server (client) was interrupted (see diagnostic data).

BACnet_ERR_CLIENT_SERVICE: Error code: A service of a remote server (client) could not be executed (possible causes: an object configured under a client object does not exist on the remote server; COV-P was configured under the client but is not supported by a remote server, for example; see diagnostic data).

BACnet_ERR_WOC_TRIGGER_ACTIVE: Error code: WOC trigger is active, while another edge was detected at the input.

BACnet_ERR_REVISION_READ: Error code: The revision number of the BACnet driver could not be read.

BACnet_ERR_PERSISTENT_PLC_WRITE: Error code: Persistent PLC data could not be written (a possible cause could be a lack of memory or inadequate router memory).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_NO_VALID_NET_ID: Error code: No valid AMS NetID. See also BACnet_ERR_NO_VALID_NET_ID.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_Data: Error code: The received data length does not match the expected data length.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_Read: Error code: Error at the internal ADSREAD block (see error output of the subordinate ADSREAD or FW_AdsRead instance for an error description).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_Write: Error code: Error at the internal ADSWRITE block (see error output of the lower-level ADSWRITE or FW_AdsWrite instance for an error description).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjType: Error code: not used.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_Data: Error code: The received object list contains no entry. However, at least one property per BACnet server is expected (device object).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_DeviceOP: Error code: The ADS connection to the server/client cannot be established, because the associated device object does not report "operational" (see FB_BACnet_Device or FB_BACnet_RemoteDevice status).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoDevice: Error code: No device object was found while reading the object list of the device object.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjInstance: Error code: An incorrectly coded object instance was detected while reading the object list of the device object.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_AmsPort: Error code: The configured AMS port is not in the valid range (valid range: >= 1000).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjectId: Error code: see BACnet_ERR_INVALID_OBJECTID.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_LegacyStack: Error code: The BACnet driver used does not support the service used (BACnet driver revision 6 was detected).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_ObjIdMissmatch: Error code: The object instance of the object list of the device object does not match the associated device ID (possible cause: incorrect mapping in the TwinCAT System Manager; solution: check the mapping of the device object and the BACnet adapter in the TwinCAT System Manager; re-run the PLC automapping, if necessary).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_BufferSize: Error code: The data to be read exceed the size of the global ADS buffer in the PLC (default: approx. 8 kbyte). The size of the global ADS buffer in the PLC cam be adapted in the structure ST_BACnet_GlobalAdsBuffer.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_SchedData: Error code: Incorrectly coded data detected while reading the property weekly_schedule.

BACnet_ERR_UnknownEventChoice: Error code: Unknown event type detected while reading the property exception_schedule (known: calendar reference and calendar entry).

BACnet_ERR_UnknownEntryChoice: Error code: Unknown entry type detected while reading the property exception_schedule (known: date, date range and day of the week).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_TooManyObjects: Error code: Too many objects in the object list. The object list could only be read partially.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_WrongEntrySize: Error code: The received entry (text or data) is longer/shorter than expected.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_RecipientData: Error code: The data of the property recipient_list to be written is incorrect (possible cause: the receiver object ID does not match the device object type).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_TooManyEntries: Error code: The number of read entries exceeds the maximum number of expected entries (possible cause: when reading the property event_message_texts more than 3 entries were read - the maximum permitted number is 3).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_NotEnoughEntries: Error code: The number of read entries is below the minimum number of expected entries (possible cause: when reading the property event_message_texts less than 3 entries were read - the minimum number is 3).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_Encoding: Error code: The string encoding used is not supported, or an error was detected in the encoding.

BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoServerClient: Error code: The ADS connection used neither represents a local server or a client, although client or server is expected (see ST_BACnet_AdsConnection).

BACnet_ERR_ADS_NoNotificationSink: Error code: The ADS connection used does not represent a notification sink, although a notification sink is expected (see ST_BACnet_AdsConnection).

BACnet_ADSTimeOut: Time constant: Maximum waiting time for an ADS link in milliseconds (TIME, standard T#15s).

BACnet_PlcPersisTimeOut: Time constant: Maximum waiting time during writing of the persistent PLC data in milliseconds (TIME, standard T#2m).

BACnet_STRING_MAXLENGTH: Character length: Maximum length of a BACnet string in bytes (INT, default 256).

BACnet_ADSIGRP_GET_OBJECT_LIST: Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_CLIENT_COM_PARAMETER:  Index group constant.


BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_CNT:  Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_CNT:  Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_READ:  Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_READ:  Index group constant.


BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_DELETE:  Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_EVENTNTF_INFO:  Index group constant.

BACnet_ADSIGRP_NTFSINK_COVNTF_INFO:  Index group constant.