
Structure with connection information for an ADS server of the BACnet driver. Three types of ADS server are supported under BACnet:

Server → a BACnet server ST_BACnet_AdsConnection 1:

Client → a BACnet client representing a remote BACnet server ST_BACnet_AdsConnection 2:

Notification Sink → a BACnet messages "sink" (receiving of and subscribing to BACnet messages) ST_BACnet_AdsConnection 3:


TYPE ST_BACnet_AdsConnection :
  bValid     : BOOL;
  nReload    : USINT;
  sAmsNetId  : T_AmsNetId;
  nAmsPort   : T_AmsPort:=1000;
  bServer    : BOOL;
  bClient    : BOOL;
  bNSink     : BOOL;
  nDeviceId  : UDINT;


bValid: Included connection data are valid

nReload: Trigger for automatic reloading of data. If nReload changes, the connection to the ADS server is re-established and/or connection data are updated. Function blocks for evaluating the ST_BACnet_AdsConnection reload the data (e.g. of a property) from the corresponding ADS server, if the input bAutoReload at this function block is set to TRUE.

sAmsNetId: AMS NetID of the BACnet adapter.

nAmsPort: AMS port of the BACnet server, BACnet client or BACnet Notification Sink (typically ≥ 1000).

bServer: ADS server of type BACnet server

bClient: ADS server of type BACnet client

bNSink: ADS server of type BACnet Notification Sink

nDeviceId: BACnet ID of the BACnet server or BACnet instance number of the BACnet Device Object (only for BACnet server or BACnet client)