Error Codes
ErrId (hex) | ErrId (hex) | ErrArg | Description |
0x0 | 0x0 |
| No error |
0x40008001 | 0x80008001 | 1 | The lower limit value of the control value lrMinOut is greater than the upper limit value lrMaxOut |
| 2 | The value of the neutral zone (lrNz) must not be less than 0.0 |
| 3 | The value of the proportionality constant (lrKp) must not be less than 0.0 |
0x40008002 | 0x80008002 | 1 | A controller ordinal number usiMyNum has been assigned twice |
| 2 | A controller ordinal number usiMyNum is greater than the maximum permitted number gBA_cMaxSeqCtrl. |
| 3 | The lower limit value of the control value lrMinOut is greater than the upper limit value lrMaxOut. |
| 4 | The value of the neutral zone (lrNz) must not be less than 0.0. |
| 5 | The value of the proportionality constant (lrKp) must not be less than 0.0. |
| 6 | The controller ordinal number usiMyNum of the enabled controller is 0. That is only allowed for controllers that are not in use and thus not enabled. |
0x40008003 | 0x80008003 | 1 | The sequence link was notified that a controller ordinal number usiMyNum has been assigned twice. |
| 2 | Direction of action changed twice in the controller sequence. |
| 3 | In the controller sequence, a controller with a higher ordinal number has a lower setpoint than its "predecessor". No correction takes place; the controller sequence runs with the parameters that were entered. |
| 4 | The sequence controller, which is defined as start controller (usiSttCtrl) is not parameterized at all, i.e. it is not present. The controller with the lowest ordinal number is used as start controller. |
| 5 | The ordinal number of the start controller is higher than the maximum permitted number of controllers or zero. The controller with the lowest ordinal number is used as start controller. |
| 6 | The sequence controller, which is defined as start controller (usiSttCtrl) is not enabled (present). The controller with the lowest ordinal number is used as start controller. |
0x40008004 | 0x80008004 | 1 | The lower limit value of the control value lrMinOut is greater than the upper limit value lrMaxOut |
0x40008005 | 0x80008005 | 1 | The minimum input signal lrMinIn is greater than the maximum input signal lrMaxIn |
0x40008010 | 0x80008010 | 1 | Wrong mapping: the mapping for the BACnet device is incorrect and must be checked |
| 2 | Operational; the BACnet device is not operational |
| 3 | ADS connection disturbed |
| 4 | no valid Ams port, must be greater than 1000 |
0x40008011 | 0x80008011 | 1 | Wrong entry priority A, PrioA must not be <1 or =6 or >16 |
| 2 | Wrong entry priority A, PrioA must not be <1 or >16 |
| 3 | Wrong entry priority B, PrioB must not be <1 or =6 or >16 |
| 4 | Wrong entry priority B, PrioB must not be <1 or >16 |
| 5 | Wrong entry priority C, PrioC must not be <1 or =6 or >16 |
| 6 | Wrong entry priority C, PrioC must not be <1 or >16 |
| 7 | Wrong entry priority D, PrioD must not be <1 or =6 or >16 |
| 8 | Wrong entry priority D, PrioD must not be <1 or >16 |
| 9 | Wrong input priority array, arrPrio[1] or arrPrio[2] or arrPrio[3] must not be > 255 |
0x40008013 | 0x80008013 | ADS no | ADS error FB_BACnet_WriteProp. Processing of the function block continues. |
0x40008014 | 0x80008014 | ADS no | ADS error FB_BACnet_ReadProp. Processing of the function block continues. |
0x40008015 | 0x80008015 | 1 | Overflow of the structure ST_BA_ComnMsg. Too many inputs from the individual BACnet objects in the Common Message structure. Remedy through new FB_BA_ComnMsg. |
| 2 | Overflow of the structure ST_BA_ComnMsgTermt. Too many inputs from the FB_BA_ComnMsg analysis function blocks in the Common Message Terminated structure. Remedy through new FB_BA_ComnMsgTermt and global structure |
0x40008016 | 0x80008016 | 1 | Wrong entry PresentValue priority A, PrioA must not be < 1 OR > NumberOfState |
| 2 | Wrong entry PresentValue priority B, PrioB must not be < 1 OR > NumberOfState |
| 3 | Wrong entry PresentValue priority C, PrioC must not be < 1 OR > NumberOfState |
| 4 | Wrong entry PresentValue priority D, PrioD must not be < 1 OR > NumberOfState |
0x40008017 | 0x80008017 | Locality | Shows the ID of the FB_BA_ComnMsg function block to indicate the fault location |
0x40008018 | 0x80008018 | 1 | Wrong entry Relinquish Default, must not be < 1 or > NumberOfStates |
| 2 | Wrong entry HighLimit/LowLimit, HighLimit is less than LowLimit |
| 3 | FB_BACSChrct: wrong declaration usiNumOfPnt |
0x40008019 | 0x80008019 | Locality | Shows the field in the array containing the error. The entries in the array arrX must have the following structure: arr[1] > arrX[2] > arrX[n] OR arr[1] < arrX[2] < arrX[n] |
0x40008020 | 0x80008020 | 1 | The object with an error is indicated by the two outputs dwObjId / eObjType |
0x40008021 | 0x80008021 | 1 | lr01 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 2 | Addition lr01/lr02 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 3 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 4 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03/lr04 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 5 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03/lr04/lr05 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 6 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03/lr04/lr05/lr06 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 7 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03/lr04/lr05/lr06/lr07 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 8 | Addition lr01/lr02/lr03/lr04/lr05/lr06/lr07/lr08 exceeds the range of LREAL |
| 9 | Difference between MAX and MIN exceeds the range of LREAL |
0x40008027 | 0x80008027 | Locality | udiErrArg; the variable lrX0x indicates where the error is located. The following sequence must be followed: lrX01 > lrX02 > lrXn OR lrX01 < lrX02 < lrXn |
0x40008028 | 0x80008028 | 1 | Wrong entry PresentValue; must not be <1 or >udiNumOfSta (NumberOfStates) |
0x4000802F | 0x8000802F | 1 | Heating setpoint is greater than or equal to cooling setpoint |
0x40008030 | 0x80008030 | 1 | Wrong parameter udiNum > udiNumOfEn |
0x40008030 | 0x80008030 | 1 | Internal error MEMSET |
| 2 | Internal error tTaskCycleTime |
| 3 | Internal error tCtrlCycleTime |
| 4 | Internal error InvalidParam_tTi |
| 5 | Internal error InvalidParam_fBaseTime |
| 6 | Internal error Error_MEMCPY |
0x40008033 | 0x80008033 | 1 | Wrong parameter udiNumOfStep |
0x40008034 | 0x80008034 | ADS no | ADS error during reading of the time |
0x40008035 | 0x80008035 | ADS no | ADS error during setting of the time |
0x40008036 | 0x80008036 | 1 | Error: range exceeded year |
| 2 | Error: range exceeded month |
| 3 | Error: range exceeded day of the month |
| 4 | Error: range exceeded hour |
| 5 | Error: range exceeded minute |
| 6 | Error: range exceeded second |
| 7 | Error: range exceeded millisecond |
0x40008100 | 0x80008100 | 1 | The x-values (elevation values) in the table are either not listed in ascending order, or they are duplicated. |
| 2 | An elevation value that was entered is outside the valid range of 0°...90°. |
| 3 | A position value that was entered is outside the valid range of 0%...100%. |
0x40008101 | 0x80008101 | 1 | The switch-on hysteresis value lrOnVal is less than or equal to the switch-off hysteresis value lrOffVal. |
| 2 | The switch-on hysteresis value lrOnVal or the switch-off hysteresis value lrOffVal is less than zero. |
0x40008102 | 0x80008102 | 1 | Parameter error: lrSttRng=lrEndRng. |
| 2 | Parameter error: lrSttRng or rEndRng less than 0° or greater than 360°. |
| 3 | Parameter error: the difference between lrSttRng and lrEndRng is greater than 180°. This range is too large for analyzing the insolation on a facade. |
0x40008103 | 0x80008103 | 1 | Parameter error: lrHiLmt less than or equal to rLoLmt. |
| 2 | Parameter error: lrLoLmt is less than 0° or lrHiLmt is greater than 90°. |
0x40008104 | 0x80008104 | 1 | The total travel-up or travel-down time (udiTiUp/udiTiDwn) is zero. |
0x40008105 | 0x80008105 | 1 | Parameter error: roller shutter height is less than or equal to 0. |
| 2 | Parameter error: Up/Down timer = 0. |
| 3 | Parameter error: turning/turning timer = 0. |
| 4 | Parameter error: slat angle limits: upper limit is less than or equal to lower limit (lrAnglLmtUp<=lrAnglLmtDwn). |
| 5 | One of the hysteresis offset values for repositioning, lrHysIncPos or lrHysIncAngl, is less than zero |
0x40008106 | 0x80008106 | 1 | The entered scene number udiSlcdScn is greater than the maximum permitted number of scenes. |
| 2 | The position setpoint lrSpPos is greater than 100 or less than 0. |
0x40008107 | 0x80008107 | 1 | The setpoints transferred via the structure stRmTSp are not in ascending order. Correct: stRmTSp.rPreCmfHtg <= stRmTSp.rCmfHtg <= stRmTSp.rCmfCol <= stRmTSp.rPreCmfCol. |
| 2 | The switch-on hysteresis value lrBrtnsActvVal is less than or equal to the switch-off hysteresis value lrBrtnsDctvVal. |
| 3 | The blind position in heating mode lrPosHtg is greater than the position in cooling mode lrPosCol. This makes no sense. |
| 4 | One of the switching values, lrBrtnsActvVal or lrBrtnsDctvVal, is less than 0. |
| 5 | One of the position setpoints, lrPosHtg or lrPosCol, is greater than 100 or less than 0. |
0x40008108 | 0x80008108 | 1 | The switch-on hysteresis value lrActvVal is less than or equal to the switch-off hysteresis value lrDctvVal. |
| 2 | One of the switching values, lrActvVal or lrDctvVal, is less than 0. |
| 3 | The position setpoint lrPosTwiLgt is greater than 100 or less than 0. |
0x40008109 | 0x80008109 | 1 | The frost temperature that was entered is higher than 10°C. |
| 2 | The wind speed value for switching off the alarm that was entered is greater than or equal to the switch-on value. |
| 3 | The wind speed value that was entered for switching the alarm on or off is less than 0. |
| 4 | The position setpoint lrPosProt is greater than 100 or less than 0. |
0x4000810A | 0x8000810A | 1 | The duration of the positioning interval is zero or it exceeds 720 min. |
| 2 | The value entered for the longitude is not in the valid range of -180°...180°. |
| 3 | The value entered for the latitude is not in the valid range of -90°...90°. |
| 4 | The value entered for the facade inclination lrFcdAngl is outside the valid range of -90°..90°. |
| 5 | The value for the slat spacing (lrLamDstc) is greater than or equal to the value for the slat width (lrLamWdth). This does not represent a "valid" blind, since the slats cannot close fully. Mathematically, this would lead to errors. |
| 6 | The value entered for the slat spacing lrLamDstc is zero. |
| 7 | The value entered for the slat width lrLamWdth is zero. |
| 8 | The value entered for the fixed blind height (lrFixPos) is greater than 100 or less than 0. At the same time, positioning "fixed blind height" is selected - ePosMod=ePosModFix. |
| 9 | Tthe "Values valid" bit (bVld) in the stBldPosTab positioning table is not set - invalid values, see FB_BA_BldPosEntry. At the same time, "Table" positioning is selected - ePosMod=ePosModTab. |
| 10 | The value entered for the window height lrWdwHght is less than or equal to zero. At the same time, "maximum light incidence" is selected - ePosMod=ePosModMaxIndc. |
| 11 | The distance between lower window edge and floor lrDstcWdwFlr that was entered is less than zero. At the same time, "maximum light incidence" is selected - ePosMod=ePosModMaxIndc. |
| 12 | The value entered for the maximum required light incidence lrMaxLgtIndc is less than or equal to zero. At the same time, "maximum light incidence" is selected - ePosMod=ePosModMaxIndc. |
0x40008120 | 0x80008120 | 1 | Index error! iColumn and/or iRow are outside the permissible limits 1..gBA_cMaxColumnFcd or 1..gBA_cMaxRowFcd. See list of facade elements. |
| 2 | The group index is 0, but at the same time another entry of the facade element is not zero. Only if all entries of a facade element are zero is it considered to be a valid, deliberately omitted facade component, otherwise it is interpreted as an incorrect entry. |
| 3 | The X-component of the first corner (Corner1) is less than zero. |
| 4 | The Y-component of the first corner (Corner1) is less than zero. |
| 5 | The window width is less than or equal to zero. |
| 6 | The window height is less than or equal to zero. |
0x40008121 | 0x80008121 | 1 | Error reading the data file: file is too large (number of bytes greater than cMaxDataFileSize) |
0x40008122 | 0x80008122 | ADS no | File handling error: Open Logfile |
0x40008123 | 0x80008123 | ADS no | File handling error: Open Datafile |
0x40008124 | 0x80008124 | ADS no | File handling error: Read Datafile |
0x40008125 | 0x80008125 | ADS no | File handling error: Write Logfile |
0x40008126 | 0x80008126 | ADS no | File handling error: Close Datafile |
0x40008127 | 0x80008127 | ADS no | File handling error: Write Logfile |
0x40008128 | 0x80008128 | ADS no | File handling error: Close Logfile |
0x40008129 | 0x80008129 | 1 | Error reading the data file: file is too large (number of bytes greater than cMaxDataFileSize) |
0x4000812A | 0x8000812A | ADS no | File handling error: Open Logfile |
0x4000812B | 0x8000812B | ADS no | File handling error: Open Datafile |
0x4000812C | 0x8000812C | ADS no | File handling error: Read Datafile |
0x4000812D | 0x8000812D | ADS no | File handling error: Write Logfile |
0x4000812E | 0x8000812E | ADS no | File handling error: Close Datafile |
0x4000812F | 0x8000812F | ADS no | File handling error: Write Logfile |
0x40008130 | 0x80008130 | ADS no | File handling error: Close Logfile |
0x40008131 | 0x80008131 | 1 | The index of the window group usiGrpId under consideration is 0. |
| 2 | An element of the window list arrFcdElem[i,j] is invalid. See outputs iErrIdx_I and iErrIdx_J. |
0x40008132 | 0x80008132 | 1 | Index error! iId lies outside the permissible limits 1..gBA_cMaxShdObj. |
| 2 | The sum of the angles of the rectangle is not 360°. This means that the corners are not in the order P1, P2, P3 and P4 but rather P1, P3, P2 and P4. This results in a crossed-over rectangle. |
| 3 | The corners of the rectangle are not on the same level. |
| 4 | The z-component of P1 is less than zero. This corner would thus lie behind the facade. |
| 5 | The z-component of P3 is less than zero. This corner would thus lie behind the facade. |
| 6 | P1 is equal to P2. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 7 | P1 is equal to P3. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 8 | P1 is equal to P4. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 9 | P2 is equal to P3. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 10 | P2 is equal to P4. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 11 | P3 is equal to P4. The object entered is thus not a rectangle. |
| 12 | The radius entered is zero. |
| 13 | The z-component of the sphere center is less than zero. This point would thus lie behind the facade. |
| 14 | Error object type eType - neither rectangle nor sphere. |
| 15 | Month input error. |
0x40008200 | 0x80008200 | 1 | Parameter "lrMinCtrlVal" (minimum light output value) less than 1.0. The value was automatically corrected to 1.0. |
| 2 | Parameter "lrMinCtrlVal" (minimum light output value) above 100.0. The value was automatically corrected to 100.0. |
| 3 | Parameter "lrMaxCtrlVal" (maximum light output value) less than 1.0. The value was automatically corrected to 1.0. |
| 4 | Parameter "lrMinCtrlVal" (maximum light output value) above 100.0. The value was automatically corrected to 100.0. |
| 5 | Parameter "lrMaxCtrlVal" (maximum light output value) below "lrMinCtrlVal" (maximum light output value). The value was automatically corrected to "lrMinCtrlVal". |
0x40008201 | 0x80008201 | DALI-ErrId | Carries the error argument directly from the error code list of the DALIV2 library, see TcPlcLibDALIV2_Errorcodes |
0x40008202 | 0x80008202 | 1 | Invalid short address, above 63. |
| 2 | Invalid group address, above 15. |