
Linear interpolation with 2 interpolation points

FB_BA_Chrct02 1:

Functional description

The function block FB_BA_Chrct02 represents a linear interpolation with two interpolation points and can be used to generate a characteristic curve. The characteristic curve is determined by the interpolation points [lrX1/lrY1] and [lrX2/lrY2]. If the input variable bLmt is TRUE, lrY is limited by lrY01 and lrY02. If bLmt is FALSE, lrY is not limited.

FB_BA_Chrct02 2:

Error handling

The input values for lrX[n+1] must always be at least 0.0000001 greater than the values for lrX[n].
In the event of an error the variable udiErrId indicates at which point of the characteristic curve the values are not monotonically increasing.



lrX   : LREAL;
lrX01 : LREAL;
lrX02 : LREAL;
lrY01 : LREAL;
lrY02 : LREAL;
bLmt  : BOOL;

lrX: input value of the characteristic curve.

lrX01: X-value for interpolation point P1.
lrX02: X-value for interpolation point P2.

lrY01: Y-value for interpolation point P1.
lrY02: Y-value for interpolation point P2.

bLmt: limitation of the output value lrY.


lrY       : LREAL;
bErr      : BOOL;
udiErrId  : UDINT;
udiErrArg : UDINT;

lrY: calculated output value of the characteristic curve

bErr: this output is switched to TRUE if the parameters entered are erroneous.

udiErrId / udiErrArg: contains the error number and the error argument. See error codes.


Development environment

Target system

required library

required supplement

TwinCAT 2.11 R3/x64


TcBA library from V1.0.0

TS8040 | TwinCAT Building Automation from V1.0.0