
Dynamic constraint for movement in the XY-plane, including non-tangential effects.

Do not call the main FB directly. Only use the available methods.

DynamicConstraint_CartesianXY 1: Methods




Set the dynamic limits of this instance.

Further information

The function block DynamicConstraint_CartesianXY constrains the dynamic values of a movement in the XY plane. V, A and J are the maximum values for velocity (V), acceleration (A) and jerk (J) within the XY plane. Unlike DynamicConstraint_PathXY, these constraints apply symmetrically in all XY directions, not just in the direction of travel.

System Requirements

Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT V3.1.4024.35

Advanced Motion Pack V3.2.27

PC or CX (x64)
