
One dimensional dynamic constraint along the XY-components of a path, ignoring non-tangential effects.

Do not call the main FB directly. Only use the available methods.

DynamicConstraint_PathXY 1: Methods




Set the dynamic limits of this instance.

Further information

The DynamicConstraint_PathXY function block constrains the tangential dynamic values of a motion in the XY plane. V is the maximum value for the velocity within the XY plane. A, D and J are respectively the maximum values for acceleration (A), deceleration (D) and jerk (J) in the direction of the current XY velocity.

DynamicConstraint_PathXY 2:

Note that the total acceleration (or jerk) in XY may exceed the tangential acceleration (or jerk) if the path in the XY plane is not a straight line.

If the constraints are to act not only in the direction of travel, but symmetrically in all XY directions, the function block DynamicConstraint_CartesianXY must be used.

System Requirements

Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to include

TwinCAT V3.1.4024.12

Advanced Motion Pack V3.1.10.30

PC or CX (x64)
