Command Update project library folder

Function: The _Libraries folder at the file level of the PLC project are updated. Subsequently, the folder contains all the libraries that are used in the PLC project. Libraries that were previously contained in the _Libraries folder, but are now no longer in use are removed from the folder.

Call: Context menu of the PLC project in the Solution Explorer

Requirement: The PLC project is selected.

Background information:

The _Libraries folder contains the libraries that are referenced directly or indirectly in the PLC project. Direct referencing means a library that is integrated at the highest level within a library manager. Indirect referencing means a library that is referenced within a different library.

The purpose of the folder is, for example, to archive the libraries used in a project within the scope of a project archive (you can configure whether this should be the case in the project settings, see Settings tab). This allows you to distribute the project archive to a colleague, for example, and if the project uses libraries that do not exist in the colleague's local library repository, the missing libraries can be installed by using the command Install project libraries or Install project libraries (unknown versions).

Recently used libraries are added to the _Libraries folder at the following times:

Libraries that are no longer in use are removed from the _Libraries folder at the following times:

See also: