Settings tab

Settings tab 1:

Router Memory (MB)

Size of the router memory:

Used to set the size of the router memory (see also note below the table).

Global Task Config/

Maximal Stack Size [KB]

Sets the stack size per task in kilobyte. This setting applies to all tasks in the system.

Available Cores (Shared/Isolated)

Number of available cores (Windows cores and isolated cores)

Read from Target

Reads the number of available cores from the target system or from the local system.

Set on Target

Sets the distribution between shared and isolated cores on the target system or on the local system.

TwinCAT Core Boost

Available from TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026

Activates the TwinCAT feature Core Boost. If this function is active and is supported by the current target system, the clock frequency can be fixed for each real-time kernel used by TwinCAT. The choice is made in the Core Frequency column.


Contains the number of a core that can be selected for runtime operation. Brackets after the number indicate whether the core is shared or isolated.


Cores can be selected and deselected row by row in the RT-Core column of the upper table. The selected cores can then also be selected in the drop-down lists in the RT-Core column of the lower table. In this way, a task in a row can be assigned to one core at a time.

Base Time

Base time of the core:
All tasks that are processed on this core can only use cycle times that are equal or integer multiples of the base time.

Drop-down menu options: no base time, 1 ms, 500 µs, 333 µs, 250 µs, 200 µs, 125 µs, 100 µs, 83 µs, 3 µs, 76.9 µs, 71.4 µs, 66.6 µs, 62.5 µs and 50 µs.

If the value of the base time is set to "(none)", then it is possible to use TwinCAT without real-time. Versions that do not require real-time, such as AMS Router, TwinCAT Scope, ADS OCX, continue to operate without restrictions. Execution of real-time tasks is not possible with this setting.

Core Limit

Maximum percentage of core occupied by TwinCAT real-time.

Drop-down list options: 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 %, 60 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90 % and 100 %.

The rest of the CPU is guaranteed to be reserved for the operating system and thus also for user interface programs on shared cores. The value "Core Limit" can be set very high since it is automatically reset to Windows when the real-time task has completed its cycle.

Latency Warning

The TwinCAT real-time cyclically measures the actual length of the base time. Due to the PC architecture, this may show slight fluctuations compared to the set base time. A limit value can be set in the drop-down menu; if this value is exceeded, a warning is generated by the TwinCAT system.

Drop-down menu options: "(none)", 20 µs, 50 µs, 100 µs, 200 µs, 250 µs and 500 µs.

Core Memory

Size of real-time memory reserved for this core
All memory requests from this core are first processed by this memory and only if it is not sufficient, memory is requested from the router.

Core Frequency

If the TwinCAT feature Core Boost is active and is supported by the target system, a drop-down menu with the possible clock frequencies that can be set for this core is displayed in this column for each real-time kernel.

If this function is deactivated, Base Frequency is displayed in this column.


Name of the TwinCAT object that is called cyclically.

Cycle Time (ms)

Cycle times of the tasks

Cycle Ticks

Number of ticks in a cycle


Priority of the respective task in the TwinCAT system:

The smaller the number specified here, the higher the priority of the task within the TwinCAT system.

Router memory:

TwinCAT 3.1 versions up to and including Build 4024:
There is a global real-time memory that is used for ADS communication and for memory requests from real-time. The size of the memory can be defined via the above mentioned option in the System Manager and becomes active after a reboot of the computer.

TwinCAT 3.1 from Build 4026:
The router uses separate memory areas for ADS communication between the devices and for memory requests from the real-time. The memory area for requests from real-time can be set via the above mentioned option in the System Manager and becomes active when the Solution is activated. The ADS communication memory is created when the system boots and is approximately 25 % of the size of the memory previously set up for real-time requests. The size is limited between 4 MB and 32 MB. This memory remains permanently until the next restart of the system.

TwinCAT Core Boost

Settings tab 2:

Prerequisite: Both the engineering environment and the runtime environment must use at least TwinCAT version 3.1.4026.6.

If the TwinCAT feature Core Boost is supported for a target system and is active, this is displayed in the TwinCAT Core Boost selection box after pressing the Read from Target button. To activate or deactivate the function, these settings must be activated on the target system using the Set on Target button. After changing this setting, the computer must be restarted.

If the TwinCAT Core Boost function is not supported by a target system, the following message appears after pressing the button Set on Target:

Settings tab 3:

If the TwinCAT Core Boost setting is set, it is possible to define a clock frequency for each real-time kernel. If no clock frequency is defined for a real-time kernel, the Base Frequency is automatically selected.

Settings tab 4:
Settings tab 5:

Trueness of the choice of Core Frequency

TwinCAT automatically monitors the clock frequencies of the individual cores based on the limit values stored in the system for the temperature of the individual cores or the current consumption of the individual packages. If these limits are exceeded, TwinCAT reduces the clock frequencies of the individual cores accordingly (see also chapter Core Boost tab). If TwinCAT is forced to reduce the clock frequencies of individual real-time kernels, this may have an influence on the real-time behavior set in TwinCAT. The tasks executed on this real-time kernel then have longer execution times, which may lead to cycle timeouts. You are therefore jointly responsible for selecting the clock frequencies of the real-time kernels in such a way that TwinCAT is not permanently operated in throttling mode. If the limit temperature is permanently exceeded, the system may shutdown.

Special tasks:

I/O Idle Task:

The I/O Idle Task executes the asynchronous mappings and is also responsible for the acyclic communication with the EtherCAT devices (e.g. writing of parameters).

From TwinCAT 3.1 Version 3.1.4026 there can be a separate I/O Idle Task for each EtherCAT master. This can be selected in the adapter settings of an EtherCAT master in the I/O Idle Task selection box.

Settings tab 6:


The PlcAuxTask is used for communication between the PLC editors and the PLC runtime modules. This includes the download and Online Change of PLC control code as well as debugging (monitoring of values, setting of breakpoints, etc.). In addition, the PlcAuxtask also processes the ADS messages that are sent to the runtime system independently of the development environment (TcXaeShell) (e.g. from an HMI).