Extended – reStructuredText

Extended – reStructuredText 1:

TE1030 | TwinCAT 3 Documentation Generation

For a more attractive presentation and a larger range of functions in the area of documentation, we recommend using the TE1030 | TwinCAT 3 Documentation Generation tool.

Extended – reStructuredText 2:

Support for reStructuredText up to and including TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4024

Up to and including Build 4024, the documentation format reStructuredText is available as an alternative.

For a more attractive display of library object documentation in the Library Manager, you can select the documentation format reStructuredText in the project properties of the library (PLC Project Properties > category Common).

reStructuredText is an easy-to-read markup language that uses simple constructs to identify the structure of a document and special text elements such as section headings, bulleted lists and highlighting. More explicit constructs are used to include graphics and notes or to assign a function to text elements (hyperlinks).

Text elements that you mark in the comment above the declaration line of a library object according to the syntax of reStructuredText are structured and formatted in the Documentation tab of the Library Manager during library creation and optionally assigned a function.

The comment above the declaration line of the following objects is interpreted:

See also: