
TwinCAT Logged Events window

The target system events can be loaded from the cache database mentioned above and displayed via the Logged Window. The window is opened in the TwinCAT 3 Engineering (XAE) via View > Other Windows > TwinCAT Logged Events.

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The toolbar in the window provides the following functions:

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Loads the events from the selected target system.
Two modes can be activated via the drop-down menu:

  • Start/Stop Update: The events are updated continuously.
  • Read LoggedEvents: Events are read once.

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You can configure whether alarms or messages should be displayed via the Alarms or Messages button respectively.

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The "severity" from which the events should be displayed can be selected via the drop-down menu.

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Provides an export of the data in a CVS format, where the information that is currently displayed is exported.

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Deletes (after a prompt) the cache database on the target system.

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The language can be selected or entered via the drop-down menu.

The columns in the window and the temporal resolution can be configured using the commands in the context menu:

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TwinCAT options

The TwinCAT engineering settings in the TwinCAT options (Tools > Options) provide basic settings for the TwinCAT 3 EventLogger for display in engineering.

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Maximum number of messages displayed in the TwinCAT Logged Events window.

Output as Task Item

Display of the events in the Error List window.

The output is synchronous as soon as the engineering is connected to a target system.
However, the display is not designed for a large number of messages, so this option can also be used to turn off the output if necessary.


This option can be used to limit the output in the Error List .